I am working in spring boot project and I stuck in an issue. Following is the problem.
I have two log4j2 configuration file. Log4j2-1.yml and Log4j2-2.yml. Log4j2-1.yml consist the common configuration to avoid repetition duplicate configuration while Log4j2-2.yml consists application specific log config. I need to use these two log4j2 configuration in my application at same time. Please help me to configure these files in my application.\
I tried log4j2.configurationFile also but could not succeed.
Spring Boot has a custom logging configuration process that occurs just after the Log4j2 automatic configuration (its exact logic is in Log4j2LoggingSystem and is documented in Core Features). You can analyze the process by setting -Dlog4j2.debug=true.
To create a composite configuration you need to use two Spring Boot properties (cf. core properties):
How can I put into spring boot app properties logback-file.xml and logback-access.xml at the same time? And if I can, logs will write in one file, or in different?
See the available Spring Boot properties.
You will find generic logging.* ones as well as server.tomcat.accesslog.* OR server.jetty.accesslog.* depending on your embedded servlet container.
Core logs will be printed based on logback-spring.xml, and access-logs (logs written whenever someone accesses any of your API's) will be printed based on logback-access.xml.
In application.properties, use logging.* for core/server logs and server.(yourserver).accesslog.* for access logs.
The application is developed on Spring Boot 2.0.1.
I include the next dependency to be able to use JavaMelody -
JavaMelody configuration:
advisor-auto-proxy-creator-enabled: false
url-exclude-pattern: (/webjars/.*|/css/.*|/images/.*|/fonts/.*|/js/.*)
As a result I have a performance monitoring system and completely broken integration tests (JUnit version is 5).
The exception message is
the configured DataSource [com.sun.proxy.$Proxy128] (named '') is not the one associated with transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager] (named '').
It can be fixed by removing javamelody dependency or by disabling javamelody in config file of the application.
Does somebody know the cause of the issue? Doesn't it create some unobvious bugs out of tests' scope?
I faced the same issue. I found a solution. I checked the Java melody jar file and they have a spring.factories in there. I think this might be messing around with the configurations.
In the application-test.properties I added this:
and it seems to work.
in application.properties can help.
I want to create a jar file that I can add to a classpath and will basically "plug-in" to an existing spring boot application. I need it to be able to have annotations of Component, ConfigurationProperties, and all the fun things that spring boot gives you, but I want it "thin" and it will be a jar file used as part of a full spring boot web application.
I need the jar file to be externally configurable. Property files will be different for different deployments. So having a working #Configuration annotation is critical.
I look at spring-boot-starter-parent, and that has jetty, tomcat, hibernate stuff and is a huge jar file. I don't want that.
Is there a "thin" parent?
Is spring boot simply not what I want here? And I should just use a regular spring project and set my "Main" spring boot web app to do component scans to configure the jar file?
It sounds like you are trying to define your own Spring Boot Starter. That's the real power that Spring Boot gives you, the ability to include a dependency and have it auto-configure itself.
By packaging your jar the right way, Spring Boot will detect that there are configurations, components, and property files automatically. I've used this in the past for the case where I want all of my applications to log a specific way, or enforce a certain format for my REST endpoints.
The documentation gives a very thorough overview of the steps you'll need to take. But essentially, you are going to package your jar like any other (with your #Bean, #Component, #Service, and #Configuration classes in it), and provide a property file pointing to the configurations:
// Example spring.factories file
Also check out the set of #ConditionalOn... annotations, they can really help with controlling what beans become active based on properties being defined, profiles being active, or dependencies being loaded.
I have a spring-boot app that autoconfigures an instance of Netflix's DynamicPropertyFactory. This enables us to read any properties spring is aware of plus any additional sources we specify.
The issue arises when we change a spring property that is used in core spring classes. For example logging.level.org.springframework.web=INFO is used on core classes or spring before, during, and after applicationContext setup. If we change this property while the application is running to say logging.level.org.springframework.web=TRACE...
dynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getStringProperty() eventually realizes the change. However, the spring core classes continue to log at INFO rather than change to TRACE as expected.
I'm running a Spring Boot application.
When there's no application.properties file in standard config paths it is not loaded and default configuration seems to be loaded.
Because of that, Spring Boot creates empty database with scheme without data which leads to empty program output.
How can one prevent Spring Boot from loading database default configuration?
you can use something as follows exclude in #EnableAutoConfiguration annotations to exclude Datasource default configuration. Reference
I don't know if there is any provision to make the app fail fast.
In order to stop Spring-Boot from autoconfiguring certain features for you, you need to explicitly exclude the corresponding class from the auto-configuration config:
Note: using this annotation you are taking back the responsibility from Spring to setup things for you, so you need to configure your DB properly from now on.