I try to pull packages from Gitlab Package Registry, but get error:
Could not find group:package:0.0.18-SNAPSHOT.
This package is really exist in package registry
Can anybody help?
am i missing something?
I've tried with gradle:
repositories {
maven {
url "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/groups/<group-id>/-/packages/maven"
name "GitLab"
credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials) {
name = "<deploy-token-username>"
value = "deploy-token-value"
authentication {
dependencies {
And with maven:
I have a requirement to build both Snapshot versions and Release build at a time.
To build snapshot versions I did like this
<name>maven git repository</name>
To build release versions,
<name>maven git repository</name>
Is it possible to make both together, so that it should generate snapshot version and as well release version jars at a time and deploy in respective repositories.If possible what is the version I should keep in pom ?
You use profile to define the version and repo, like this
Then build by with -Dsnapshot=true
I cannot import the jdbc7 oracle driver with maven, I did everything like in the tutorial Oracle Blogs but I received the follow error:
Could not resolve dependencies for project
com.jp:database_connection_app:jar:0.0.1: Failed to collect
dependencies at com.oracle.jdbc:ojdbc7:jar: Failed to read
artifact descriptor for com.oracle.jdbc:ojdbc7:jar: Could
not transfer artifact com.oracle.jdbc:ojdbc7: pom: from/to
maven.oracle.com (https://maven.oracle.com): unexpected end of stream
on Connection{maven.oracle.com:443, proxy=HTTP # /myProxyIP:myPort
hostAddress=hostAddressIP cipherSuite=none protocol=http/1.1}
(recycle count=0): \n not found: size=0 content=... ->
A special case to me is that I'm in behind a proxy but I already configure the settings.xml file and maven can download all the dependencies except the JDBC.
In the tutorial mentioned, I didn't understand which information shall be hier...
<host>ANY </host>
<port>ANY </port>
<realm>OAM 11g </realm>
Maybe this is the error source.
Here is my settings.xml...
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
<realm>OAM 11g</realm>
<name>UK Central</name>
Here is my POM...
The settings-security.xml is created under the same path of the settings.xml
Thanks for the help.
I couldn't import the library like I wanted, then I had to search for another solution:
Download the Jar from Oracle Web Site
Include Jar to maven local repository. Learned from Mkyong Web Site
Update Pom with the dependency
If someone have another idea, I will be happy to know that.
I am trying to run the command, mvn release:perform, but I get this error:
Failed to execute goal
(default-deploy) on project git-demo:
Deployment failed: repository element
was not specified in the POM inside
distributionManagement element or in
Here's my pom.xml file:
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<!-- use the following if you're not using a snapshot version. -->
<!-- use the following if you ARE using a snapshot version. -->
Actually I can see the
declaration inside the
Here's my settings.xml:
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
<!--Enable snapshots for the built in central repo to direct -->
<!--all requests to nexus via the mirror -->
Any advice why it complains?
Review the pom.xml file inside of target/checkout/. Chances are, the pom.xml in your trunk or master branch does not have the distributionManagement tag.
I got the same message ("repository element was not specified in the POM inside distributionManagement element"). I checked /target/checkout/pom.xml and as per another answer and it really lacked <distributionManagement>.
It turned out that the problem was that <distributionManagement> was missing in pom.xml in my master branch (using git).
After cleaning up (mvn release:rollback, mvn clean, mvn release:clean, git tag -d v1.0.0) I run mvn release again and it worked.
You can also override the deployment repository on the command line:
The ID of the two repos are both localSnap; that's probably not what you want and it might confuse Maven.
If that's not it: There might be more repository elements in your POM. Search the output of mvn help:effective-pom for repository to make sure the number and place of them is what you expect.
For me, this was something as simple as a missing version for my artifact - "1.1-SNAPSHOT"
When deploying with $mvn deploy for a linked artifact into JCenter, I get this error Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized.
What is causing this, and how to fix this?
Solution is to have this in the artifact's pom.xml
<id>bintray-yourusername-maven-yourpackagename</id> <!-- same id with the server in settings.xml -->
And have this in the settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation='http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd'
xmlns='http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>
<id>bintray-yourusername-maven-yourpackagename</id> <!-- same id with the snapshotRepository -->
Without seeing your pom file, my bet is you're trying to upload a SNAPSHOT to Bintray. Bintray is a distribution platform and intended for releases only.
You're more than welcome to use oss.jfrog.org for snapshots of packages, which are included in JCenter.
I've been trying for almost a day now to deploy jar files from Jersey to our local Artifactory using Maven. I have made a few small changes to branch 2.6.x of Jersey and have built and packaged the jars. Here is the excerpt of parent pom from Jersey:
Jersey is the open source (under dual CDDL+GPL license) JAX-RS 2.0 (JSR 339)
production quality Reference Implementation for building RESTful Web services.
I have my settings.xml generated by artifactory and placed in ~/.m2/settings.xml
But when I try to deploy using mvn deploy, I get the following:
Uploading: (https: //maven.java.net/content/repositories/snapshots/):
Failed to transfer file: https://maven.java.net/content/repositories/snapshots/org/glassfish/jersey/project/2.6.rn-SNAPSHOT/project-2.6.rn-20150218.212627-1.pom.
Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized.
My complete settings.xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd" xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
<snapshots />
<snapshots />
You must add the distributionManagement tag in your pom.xml, where the url will be your Artifactory's url and add the credentials in settings.xml
You can read more about this here.