Im having a java micro-servcie working with Elasticsearch and was working great, I decided to move it to Springboot and all good except one problem that I was facing for hours and can't find any solution online.
java: cannot access org.elasticsearch.xcontent.ToXContentObject
class file for org.elasticsearch.xcontent.ToXContentObject not found
I gave it a try to play with the versions here and there based on some some advices but still. I also check the maven tree and can't see any elastic search stuff injected from Springboot. Any one can help on this plz?
my pom dependencies are :
<!-- Test Dependencies -->
I upgraded the springboot version from 2.6.3 to 3.0.2 and its now working fine :)
I think you are just declared a lot of redundant artifacts in pom.xml that is related to Elastic so there is a conflicts between dependecies.
Try to use just this ones:
At least it is working in my project.
when I'm trying to update my spring-boot project to 2.7.x from 2.0.1, I'm getting the following error...
also, I'm using the flapdoodle embded dependemcy with version 3.0.0 for my testcases.
nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error processing condition on org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.mongo.embedded.EmbeddedMongoAutoConfiguration.embeddedMongoServer
<!-- Test -->
Have a maven project which has spark-core and spark-hive dependencies. Spark-core has dependency
and spark-hive has
Also there is log4j dependency in pom file of version 1.2.17.
Is there any way to get rid of trace of first version of log4j and replace it with 2.17.1?
Here are the dependencies in pom file:
I'm working in a spring boot application with spring boot version 2.3 with following dependencies:
When I want to use the NonNull or NotBlank annotations I can't import:
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull
Normally I shouldn't need an extra dependency apparently because it's already included in starter data jpa but it doesn't work.
Upgrading project from spring 2.5 to 3.2 I have replaced the old spring jars with new spring 3.1.1 jars. When I deployed and trying to hit the server. I am getting the following error.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.core.GenericTypeResolver.resolveTypeArguments(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;)[Ljava/lan
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
I want to use org.springframework, spring, 2.5.6.SEC03 because old project is using SimpleFormController and AbstractFormController, i dont want to touch existing code and i want it to support annotated controller too.
below is the dependency i am using:
<!-- Spring Test -->
<!-- weblogic 10 plugins start -->
<!-- weblogic 10 plugins end -->
<!-- Junit Test -->
<!-- Mockito Test -->
<!-- Powermock Test -->
<!-- Spring Test -->
<!-- XStream -->
<!-- Apache Commons Upload -->
<!-- Apache Commons Upload -->
<!-- Newly added Jar file from win TTP -->
Sorry for posting it here as I dont have reps to add it in a comment.
Please remove the older version of spring if you want to use a new version.
It is a very bad idea to have multiple versions of spring in one application.
You will spend hours and hours of wasting time for solving magical errors occurs with your application just because of two versions of spring jars.
I came across with the same issue and I used the Maven Dependency BOM. It works perfect. The ---Version---Number is the Spring Framework version you are using in your project.
Visit this link for more information:
<!-- ... other dependency elements ... -->
I am using a spring boot applicaiton with Postgres.
But i can't get it running without adding my postgres.jar to the lib in the tomcat.
Are there any possibility to just use the postgres jar that i added within my application.
Realy want to issolate all my jar dependencies to my war and not change my Tomcat.
What i understand is it uses the the tomcat pooling for my application, are there any way to disable this?
This is my pom
You just need to add the postgres.jar as a dependency in your pom.xml.