What is reactive analog of ReadinessStateHealthIndicator? - java

To customize spring boot actuator for /actuator/health we can implement our own HealthIndicator
To customize spring boot actuator for /actuator/healthin reactive app we can implement our own ReactiveHealthIndicator
To customize spring boot actuator for /actuator/health/readiness endpoint we can extend
How to customize spring boot actuator for /actuator/health/readiness in reactive Spring webflux application ?


Will spring HandlerInterceptor work for Jax-RS rest controller inside spring boot application?

I have a conbination of spring boot plus Java-RS rest controller. I am trying to figure out if spring HandlerInterceptor would work for Jax-rs rest controller?

What is the proper way to implement OAuth2 Client and AuthServer in Spring Cloud (Microservice Architecture)

I was learning Microservice architecture from Spring Microservices In Action book.
As one of things I wanted to migrate examples which were built on Spring Boot 1.4.4 and Spring Cloud Camden.SR5 to Spring Boot 2.1.6 and Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR1.
Now, I'm having problems with migrating of OAuth2 Auth server and resource servers since Spring decided to change packages/placement of classes and I feel completly lost since nothing seems to work.
Documentation seems to be splitted into SpringBoot/SpringSecurity/SpringOAuth2 depedencies.
What is the proper way of implementing OAuth2 AuthServer and ResourceServer in current (2.1.6) version of SpringBoot with Spring cloud Greenwich?

Spring web-flux with Wildfly Swarm

My current microservice is build on wildfly swarm. To create reactive API i plan to use Spring WebFlux.
How can I inject the spring Http handler into swarm undertow fraction ?
Is this possible, or do i need to re-write my application on spring boot?

Spring boot admin oauth2 keycloak

I have a spring boot application secured with keycloak. I have a client in keycloak specific for this application.
Now I want to deploy spring boot admin and also implement keycloak on it. My question is how can I let the spring-boot-admin talk to my app?

Enabling Actuator endpoints for Springboot app and embedded Netty server

i setup a service which uses spring boot application(for regular rest calls) and a embedded Netty server using NettyReactiveWebServerFactory in a different port (for eureka related calls).
All the actuator related functionality is applied to my main spring boot application but not to my embedded netty server.
Is there anyway where i can enable the actuator endpoints to both servers?
Used versions:
Spring boot version- 2.0.8, spring webflux
Spring cloud - Finchley.SR2
