how to disable chrome Save Address prompt in Selenium java - java

Save password prompt is getting in chrome while running Selenium scripts getting.
Testing is unaffected. But running a Selenium test has an impact on the demo. How can I turn it off?


how to run selenium scripts(Which is in GitHub) through Jenkins(Linux server) in actual browser instead of headless

I want to run my selenium scripts through Jenkins(Linux server) in actual browser but right now it is running in headless mode. I am not able to see the execution of scripts on UI. Can someone help me into this ?

Unable to switch to windows popup using selenium webdriver when there is no active windows user session

Unable to switch to windows popup using selenium webdriver when there is no active windows user session.
I have test case where we invoke windows windows print dialog from our application and we cancel the print dailog. i have used autoit and robot to handle windows popup.Both works fine on my local dev machine.
But when i run the same set of test cases through jenkins on a AWS server the test case fails after invoking the print dialog where there is no active user session.
The code works when i login and run the test cases but when i logout the test cases fail.

Continuous Integration -Test Setup for Flash Testing Suggestion Required

I work for a Music company and have my Automation/Regression suite built on Java, jUnit, Selenium WD, Ant framework.
I use Selenium Grid to run the tests on Various Grade A browsers.
Now we are moving to Continuous Integration (Jenkins) setup and I need to run tests on a Linux machine(CentOS) which does not have a UI.
I started off with the following setups to run regression
Run the above mentioned tests (Java, SeleniumWD, JUnit and Ant) in Linux box using Xll, xvfb and Firefox headless browser.
Run the tests on the Linux box using a PhantomJS browser setup.
I am NOT ABLE TO ACCESS THE WINDOWS/MAC Machine via/through LINUX BOX (using Hub/node Selenium grid options), connection timed out error is consistent.
Not having windows shouldn't be a problem. Can you setup XWindow sessions and run slave agent there to run real browser session?
Both Firefox and Chromium should work with CentOS.

how can we click continue button in warning window using selenium web driver

I am new to selenium.....
I've written a selenium code with java for Automation script. while running the script i am getting a Security Warning window which has the options called 'Continue' and 'Stop Script'. How to click Continue through selenium control. There is no way for getting xpath or id of the continue button.
its not a application window,it is firefox security warning window..So, the alert window method accept.alert() is not working.
can u please tell me how to handle those type of firefox warning windows.
In my code below two lines of code to solved the problem "Warning: Unresponsive script " error is coming while running automation script in Selenium server
By using these two lines of code in setting firefox preferrences.
profile.setPreference("dom.max_chrome_script_run_time", 0);
profile.setPreference("dom.max_script_run_time", 0 );

how to run selenium rc test case in Internet Explorer

My selenium RC java code is running successfully on firefox. Can anyone tell me how to run the same test case on internet explorer?
Change the browser start command string you pass to DefaultSelenium factory. It will be *iehta or *iexplore depending on your selenium version.
new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexplore", "");
Check out the docs for more info.
Just replace *firefox with *iexplore. The exact code will vary depending on what language you're writing your test in or how you're actually launching the browser.
see: and click the button for your particular language.
If you hit the Script error while running tests on IE with selenium RC, it might be because of not running the selenium server with Administrator privileges. I had the similar issue and could get it running with by running the selenium server as an Administrator
Very simple: Use "*iexplore" instead of "*firefox"
In order to work the scripts on IE do the following steps
1.Navigate to ToolsInternet OptionsSecurityTrusted Sites
2.Click on “Sites” button and add the Urls of the application you are testing in “Add this website to the zone:” and clicking on “Add” button.
3.Navigate to ToolsInternet OptionsSecurity and disable the checkbox “Enable Protected Mode (requires restarting Internet Explorer)” and click on “Apply” and click “Ok”.
a. Navigate to ToolsInternet OptionsSecurity
b. Add all the URL’s of your application in the “Address of websites to allow” and click on “Add” button.
Navigate to ToolsInternet OptionsAdvanced options. Scroll down to the Security section, and select Allow active content to run in files on my computer. This will get rid of the pesky toolbar alert, and allow JavaScript to run automatically.
