I would like to create a Plug-In project in Eclipse (the needed Plug-Ins are installed), but when creating a new project (File --> New --> Other) the option is missing.
this is my screen
this is how it shuold look
Can anybody help?
This is my screenshot where you can find that.
You can create the project using New Project option:
and add all the needed dependencies/configurations manually as per https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2020.3/javafx.html .
When creating a project with JavaFX project wizard and selecting Maven/Gradle, the IDE will configure everything automatically. E.g. add JavaFX plugin to the pom.xml/build.gradle, download all the needed dependencies, etc... so that you can launch the project out of the box.
When I create a new Maven Project on Eclipse with the webapp achetype, Eclispe does not create me those two folders :
I tried to reinstall a new version of Eclipse but the result is the same.
Does someone know what is goin'on ?
Thank you
I tried to use a project not made using netbeans. I tried to use it by creating a new project and using the "web application with existing resources". When browsing for the existing project, I clicked on the project name and clicked OK, but it opens the project and shows the list of folders in the project and doesn't accept the projectnamefolder as the project to be imported.
What does an IDE look for the identify a project as a project that can be imported
Eclipse looks for .project files when importing existing eclipse projects. If you create an eclipse project for existing code, you can simply create a project and point it to the right folder, and specify the layout for source and target.
How can I add an unknown plugin to a deployed RCP application without recompiling the application?
I want to:
deploy RCP application.
create a new plugin (language plugin).
drop the plugin into the plugin folder.
Finally, the deployed application should use the new plugin.
When modifying the config.ini file and manually adding all the plugins, it works, but I don't want to manually edit the config file. How can I do this automatically?
I try to create an eclipse plugin which will provide a new "New Project" wizard which should create new project based on an template pom.xml.
Asking data from the user as well as creating the project in the workspace works fine. However, I'm not able to tell eclipse from the plugin, that the directories I created ('src/main/java' and co) should be used as src directory.
I tried to use the IWorkspace and IFolder types, but they don't seam to have the necessary functionality.
Does anybody has experience with this, and/or has an link to the appropriate place in the eclipse documentation? (I've tried to find something, but its hard not to get redirected to actual plugins or questions for plugin users...)