I got Mismatched Data in android studio while fetching in Recyclerview from sqlite - java

I wanted to fetched news from table which included 1 image and 2 string from SQLite to RecyclerView But the Data comes in alternate manner that is the Image were from Ascending order and the Images were Descending order as per news_id.
Any Possible reason for this???Image Here
I tried gathering bitmap and image in one Array List but it didnt worked out


Hopefully an easy one, how do I store the names of tables in an array using sqlite and java in android studio?

I need to put the names of the tables in my database "Workouts.db" into an array so i can use a spinner to allow the user to select which table is being displayed in recyclerview
I dont want the table named "ViewWorkout" to be stored in the variable but i do want the rest of the tables in my database to be added
my plan is to use this array to populate a spinner, get the item selected when i click a button and insert the data from the selected table into the "ViewWorkout" table which will be displayed in recycler view

How to get the uri of the images stored in the phone and return them in a String[]

I am trying to create a custom gallery with a single select option. I've used the code provided by google docs to create a GridView that contains the images contained in drawable.
Now I want to change it by making the GridView show all the images stored in the phone.
To get all images from the phone you need to query the android.provider.MediaStore
First make sure you have the AndroidPermission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, then get the thumbnails for the grid.
Here is a simple way to do this:
Hope this helps.

Android loading images to ListView AsyncTask

This is more a question of application logic and performance.
Project Setup: I have an Android ListView which inflates a layout that is more aesthetically pleasing than just simple text. In each row (7 to be exact), I have an Image that is fetched by URL.
The problem: This ListView and its data are set by an ArrayList of model objects that serve as temporary data holders. When the rows are added the model objects are then used to set the data in the specific row's UI. The issue then comes along, that when a user scrolls down on the list a row that was once viewable is now out of the user's view. When the user scrolls back up to that row, the whole process of fetching the Image then happens again.
This seems like it can be avoided by instead of passing URLs through the models then fetching the images, I should fetch the images first, then pass the bitmaps to the model, therefore when the row is visible again to the user, it does not have to re-load the image.
Is there a way to write an AsyncTask that can load 7 images successfully, or do I have to create an AsyncTask object for each image?
Everytime I go this route the application crashes...
You can use Picasso library for this task.
Visit http://square.github.io/picasso/
In the adapter of your ListView, in the method getView, you can put this:
.resizeDimen(R.dimen.list_detail_image_size,R.dimen.list_detail_image_size) .centerInside()
You dont need a AsyncTask because this library already implements itself.

How to set image to checkbox from sqlite database?

Is there a way to set image to checkbox from prepopulated sqlite database? Or somehow connect checkbox to an image from database. The problem is that I have to shuffle images from database, and the user needs to select two of 5 images using checkbox (or some other way, but I've come up with nothing but checkbox idea). If I did not have to shuffle images I would simply put a checkbox below every image and I would know what image is selected when I user check a box, but this way I would not know where my images are.
See this: http://vikaskanani.wordpress.com/2011/07/20/android-custom-image-gallery-with-checkbox-in-grid-to-select-multiple
and this How to save images into Database to get a image bitmap from stream.
you can use a adapter to set bitmat into each image in gallery.
I hope this could help you.

Modifying single list items

I have a ListView, displaying some items, containing an ImageView filled with a standard image at first and a line of text.
What I wanna do is downloading one thumb after another with an AsyncTask and step for step change the standard image with the downloaded one. How to realise this?
The ListView contents are managed by an enhanced ArrayAdapter.
If I understand you correctly you're interested in a LazyList. This example shows a stub for the image, then downloads some thumbnails as the user scrolls down and caches these onto an SD card. The next time the images will be loaded from the SD card.
Lazy load of images in ListView
I personally used Fedor's example and it worked well.
