Maven- Ignore empty/no `main` directory - java

I have a Cucumber test project in Maven that is only meant to have test code- it does not produce any library or code on its own.
This works great, however, produces a rather annoying warning in the output:
[WARNING] JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion!
I am running my Cucumber tests via mvn verify
How can I tell Maven to ignore the fact that I don't have a main folder? I've done it before but can't recall how and don't have access to that codebase anymore, and can't find anything on Google where the fix isn't related to malformed java project structure.

You can tell the Maven Jar Plugin to skip execution if the jar file would be empty. I.e:


simply I want to make target when build is fail of maven project

I want to make a target when already remaining my build is staying failed also this can be done using surefire plugin as below
but the problem is it also makes build the success of a project and can not get details when integration tests fail I want a make target with remaining project status to build failed.
can we do that?
For integration tests, you should use the Maven Failsafe Plugin. It runs after the jar in target is created, so in case of failure that jar would exist.

Installing local jar to automated pipeline and sonarqube: how to do it with no command and no systempath?

I am developing a project which needs a client personal jar, and it needs to be deployed on a pipeline of tools which are out of our control (sadly). One of the tools in this pipeline is sonarqube.
To build and deploy we have to use maven.
I put the jar into a folder of the project, and tried various way to actually make it work.
The first (working) way was to have it as a system with a systemPath to the folder of the project. It compiled, worked and everything, but sonarqube apparently hates systemPath and made us take it away.
After a tiny bit of searching, we added to our pom a maven-install-plugin, bounded an install-file to validate phase and configured to generate the dependency. This seems to work on local if I first run mvn validate and THEN mvn clean package. Otherwise, it tries to look for the jar on the main repository and fails. If I comment the tag and leave only the plugin active, I noticed it executes the plugin, installs the jar to local repository, but build fails due to not resolving packages and classes inside the jar. If I now put the tag in, everything works, because it now find the jar in the repository.
While this solution works, it doesnt suite me because the repository will be emptied every once in a while, and to restart everything I would need to commits, one knownligly failing, just to install the jar.
I tried addind a tag instead, pointing to a project dir where I would store the necessary jar, and that works just fine on my PC, but utterly fails on the pipeline, looking at main repository only (I guess it is some configuration on the pipeline, but cant really tell, being outside my control)
Was actually able to do it with maven install plugin,
And having dependency
<!-- Client jar -->
If you notice, the tricky part here was actually that groupId is different between the dependency and the plugin declaration. I do not know if this difference is due to the configuration of their artifactory server, but it seems to work locally too.
Also it is needed to explicitly run mvn validate in the pipeline

Maven 3.0.4 - execute annotation processors after compile

I would like to run the following basic procedure within my Maven 3.0.4 project. I have all the basics in place and haven't had any issues but am running into problems on step #3. For some reason the basic solution is eluding me, since it seems like something that should be very obvious.
Run a basic clean/install (without annotation processing)
Request that a site build be run
Before the site build kicks off, run annotation processing on the compiled classes using an annotation processor class that was compiled in the initial steps
I tried setting up the annotation processing goal as follows:
For some reason this doesn't seem to be working.
I feel like I'm doing something very, very silly that is preventing it from working.
I am using the Maven Annotation Plugin instead of the basic, Mojo Apt Plugin. I don't mind switching if someone has a working solution with that one. I tried both without any immediate signs of success. Again, it feels like it's just something obvious that I'm overlooking.
Error received:
[INFO] diagnostic error: Annotation processor 'com.mydomain.MyFancyAnnotationProcessor' not found
[ERROR] error on execute: error during compilation
My guess would be that the plugin is not including the current project itself in its classpath. The best solution would be to separate the annotation processor into its own (sub-)module if possible. If you can't do that, you may be able to just add this project itself as a dependency of the plugin (using a <dependencies> section under the plugin node).
As a diagnostic note, you can run maven with the '-X' argument to see detailed info about the build. This should show you exactly what is on the classpath when the plugin is executed.

maven surefire reporting plugin configuration

I have a multi-module maven project. The parent pom.xml is simply a way to reference common information for the 4 subprojects. I have quite a few JUnit tests that run and I also have the Parent Project set up for Project WebSite using the maven-info-reports-plugin.
I have the maven-surefire-report-plugin configured in the parent and it generates the target/site/surefire-report.html file in each of the subprojects with the correct information.
My problem is when I run my project website via site:run I do not see any of the surefire-report.html files in the Project website. The one that shows is in the target directory of the parent and it has no unit tests defined.
Is there a way I can configure maven-surefire-report-plugin or maven-info-reports-plugin to aggregate the subprojects generated surefire reports?
To elaborate on Seph's answer. You can set many of the Maven reports to aggregate results. To do this with the surefire-report plugin you'd do something like this:
<!--also set this to link to generated source reports-->
Note the additional linkXRef property, this allows you to add cross-references to the generated html version of the source produced by the jxr plugin. The jxr plugin can also be set to aggregate, so the two combined allow you to browse your entire project structure.
As far as I know, the maven-info-reports-plugin doesn't do aggregation.
You can add
to the surefire plugin in the parent pom.xml.
For command line
mvn surefire-report:report -Daggregate=true
It could be -
mvn clean test -fn surefire-report:report -Daggregate=true
mvn clean install -fn surefire-report:report -Daggregate=true
Note :
fn -> NEVER fail the build, regardless of project result
To add in pom

Creating a self-contained source release with Maven

Up until now we used Ant in my company. Whenever we wanted to send the application to the client we run a special Ant script that packaged all our source code with all jar libraries and Ant itself along with a simple batch file.
Then the client could put the files on a computer with no network access at all (and not even Ant) and run the batch file. As long as the computer had a valid JDK the batch script would compile all the code using the jars and create a WAR/EAR that would finally be deployed by the client on the application server.
Lately we migrated to Maven 2. But I haven't found a way to do the same thing. I have seen the Maven assembly plugin but this just creates source distributions or binary ones. Our scenario is actually a mix since it contains our source code but binary jars of the libraries we use (e.g. Spring, Hibernate)
So is it possible to create with Maven a self-contained assembly/release/package that one can run in a computer with no network access at all??? That means that all libraries should be contained inside.
Extra bonus if Maven itself is contained inside as well, but this is not a strict requirement. The final package should be easily compiled by just one command (easy for a system administrator to perform).
I was thinking of writing my own Maven plugin for this but I suspect that somebody has already encountered this.
From your dev environment, if you include the following under build plugins
and invoke mvn assembly:assembly, you would get yourApp-version-with-dependencies.jar in the target folder. This is a self-sufficient jar, and with a Main-class MANIFEST.MF entry, anybody can double click and run the application.
You might try this approach:
Use mvn ant:ant to create ant build
scripts from a maven project
Make sure ant is a project dependency
Use the assembly to build an ant
or plan b:
Use mvn ant:ant to create ant build
scripts from a maven project
Make sure ant is a project dependency
Write a "bootstrap class" to call Ant and run the build
Use appassembler to build a
scripted build and install environment
In plan b, you'd write scripts to set up a source tree someplace from the packaged source jars, and then use the appassembler build bat or sh scripts to call the bootstrap and build via ant. Your bootstrap can do anything you need to do before or after the build.
Hope this helps.
Perhaps an answer that I submitted for a similar question could be of some assistance. See Can maven collect all the dependant jars for a project to help with application deployment? The one piece missing is how to include the source code in the assembly. I have to imagine that there is some way to manage that with the assembly plugin. This also doesn't address the inclusion of Maven in the distribution.
What was the reason for moving from Ant to Maven? It sounds like you had everything worked out well with the Ant solution, so what is Maven buying you here?
If it is just dependency management, there are techniques for leveraging Maven from Ant that give you the best of both worlds.
the source plugin will give you a jar containing the source of a probject "source:jar". you could then use the assembly plugin to combine the source jars from your internal projects (using the sources to reference these source jars) and the binary jars from the external projects into one distribution.
however, as for turning this into a compilable unit, i have no suggestions. you could certainly bundle maven, but you'd need to create a bundle containing all the plugins you need to build your project! i don't know of any existing tool to do that.
This is how I do it... on the build part of the pom add in this:
And then on the profiles section add this bit in:
And when I do a maven install it builds the jar and also checks in a jar of the source.
