how to set getCreatedAt(); date object in android textview? - java

how do you set the twitter4j date object in android? seems pretty straight forward in java but cant make this work on android, the twitter4j javadoc can be found here
Date tweettime = result.getCreatedAt();
textview.setText(""+ tweettime);

Showing a date on Android is hardly different from showing it in a JVM.
Just use a SimpleDateFormat to specify the format of the date. Also, make sure that any UI changes (to your textview) are done on the UI Thread.

Twitter4j has a friendly helper class to transform the date created Date object into something more user readable. It's close to the format twitter uses to show the date;
I made a method you can use:
/*converts standard date to user readable date such as 5m ago, 30 mins ago, 1 hr ago etc*/
private String formatDate(Date create_date){
//twitter date format from json response: Wed Jul 31 13:15:10 EDT 2013
TimeSpanConverter converter = new TimeSpanConverter();
return converter.toTimeSpanString(create_date);
You will need to import: import twitter4j.util.TimeSpanConverter;

Try this:
TimeSpanConverter converter = new TimeSpanConverter();


Java DateFormat.SHORT in Android not working as expected

I want the "correct" localized time for users with US or German system locale. Meaning "1:00 PM" and "13:00"
Java API says:
Formats U.S. Locale German Locale
DEFAULT 7:03:47 AM 7:03:47
SHORT 7:03 AM 07:03
Correct so far.
Android API:
SHORT is completely numeric, such as 12.13.52 or 3:30pm
Correct for US, if you set a German Locale, Android will "translate" AM/PM and not remove it, how the correct way is and how Java did it.
My question, why does Google do that? Am I stupid and lacking sleep, not to understand "the Google logic"? This is a trivial request, yet I tried for 2 hours to get a correct German short time presentation, that would also work for US localization. "13:57 nachm." is NOT a German time representation. No one uses that, that's why we have a 24 hour formating system. It's so awkward that it breaks every reading attempt.
Test code:
private void testGoogleLocaleLogic() {
TimeZone tz_de = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Berlin");
Calendar c_us = Calendar.getInstance(tz_de,Locale.US);
Calendar c_de = Calendar.getInstance(tz_de,Locale.GERMAN);
java.text.DateFormat df_date_us_short_ = java.text.DateFormat.getTimeInstance(java.text.DateFormat.SHORT,Locale.US);
java.text.DateFormat df_date_de_short = java.text.DateFormat.getTimeInstance(java.text.DateFormat.SHORT,Locale.GERMAN);
Log.d("localeTest","Android Dateformat getTimeInstance SHORT US: " + df_date_us_short_.format(c_us.getTime()));
Log.d("localeTest","Android Dateformat getTimeInstance SHORT DE: " + df_date_de_short.format(c_de.getTime()));
Log.d("localeTest","df_date_de_short is type of: " + df_date_de_short.getClass().getName());
Results in
Android Dateformat SHORT US: 1:57 PM
Android Dateformat SHORT DE: 1:57 nachm.
Why it's not 13:57 for German locale, although I set it two times in Calendar and DateFormat is also beyond my knowledge.
A solution to print out minutes and hours manually and then switch case between system locales to add or hide "PM/AM" is exactly why people invented Locales in the first place. To avoid that. Please tell me this is not the case.
UPDATES/MORE TESTING/MORE RESEARCH (forced use of java.text....):
My Moto X Style, Android 7, German locale prints:
Android Dateformat getTimeInstance SHORT US: 1:29 PM
Android Dateformat getTimeInstance SHORT DE: 1:29 nachm.
df_date_de_short is type of: java.text.SimpleDateFormat
Android Emulator NEXUS_5_API_26, US locale
Android Dateformat getTimeInstance SHORT US: 1:18 PM
Android Dateformat getTimeInstance SHORT DE: 13:18
df_date_de_short is type of: java.text.SimpleDateFormat
So the forced use of "java.text.SimpleDateFormat" works, but only on an emulator, not in real world? I'm close, maybe someone has the last 5 cents!
My guess earlier was right, sadly. If you don't search for it with this "guess", you'll never find it as date formatting is such a common topic. Long story short, it's an Android bug:
It was fixed over a year ago. That's why the emulator works, but devices before API27 won't have the fixes as OEM don't care.
Google employee added this workaround in above bug report:
boolean use24Hour = android.text.format.DateFormat.is24HourFormat(context);
final String skeleton = use24Hour ? "Hm" : "hm";
final String pattern = android.text.format.DateFormat.getBestDateTimePattern(locale, skeleton);
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale);
... for SHORT date. MEDIUM would use skeletons of "Hms" / "hms" instead.
The code above bypasses the internal code that keep the (incorrect) in-memory state that tracks whether the user prefers 12 or 24 hour time formatting. AFAIK, android.text.format.DateFormat.is24HourFormat has always used the underlying user setting.
is24HourFormat() was added in API 3. getBestDateTimePattern() was only added in API 18.
That's exactly the switch case crap I feared humanity has to use in the year of 2018. We want to live on Mars, yet we can't figure out how to print time on planet Earth!
why don't u try using SimpleDateFormat
instead of using default DateFormat? maybe you can do something like this:
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");

JSON date changed

I have a web application where user can post the message to a restful API, so that that information can be saved in the database.
My problem when the data is sent from the UI, the date sent is "effStartDate":"2016-08-13" , but when i see the date value in the java code it is showing Fri Aug 12 20:00:00 EDT 2016.
I am using AngularJS,Spring and iBatis as the ORM tool. Attached are the screen shots with data sent from UI and what i see in the backend code.
can anyone help me with this?
You can add annotations to realize in the entity.
(Have to rely on JackJson`s jar)
and Then add in required fields
"#JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",timezone = "GMT+8")"
You can treat the date as a string. Something like this
#JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
You can try this use date format from javascript code to send requests to a server by REST api.
For example:
The toISOString() method returns a string in simplified extended ISO format

Trying to convert yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss-07:00 to correct time in Android

Okay, so here's my issue in Android right now. On our Database there's a timestamp in this format 8/15/2013 2:00:48 PM and through a .NET WebService I get that same time like this in Android: 2013-08-15T14:00:48-07:00. Now I want to convert this format into a Date Time format that I can use for comparison (for example this webservice provides every instance where a device failed at logging in so we want to check the amount of time between occurances to see if there's any issues). Below I have this code where I'm trying to use JODA Time but it's still not returning the correct format:
public static Date convertStringToDate(String input) {
String pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ";
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(pattern);
DateTime dateTime = formatter.parseDateTime(input);
return dateTime.toDate();
//printout shows: Thu Aug 15 17:00:48 EDT 2013
I know that the server is returning some crappy time format that is hard to work with (it took a while to get this to work in the iOS App we have, and even there it's still rather clunky) so I don't mind changing the webservice or the query if that would make things easier.
I have a very similar format, and I parse it using SimpleDateFormat, try this:
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZ", Locale.US);
Date dateTime = format .parse(value);
What i understand is that you have your correct instance of date already and what you need is to parse it to String.
I suggest you use:
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("d/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss a");
//this will give you the format '8/15/2013 2:00:48 PM'
String d = formatter.format(date);
Hope this helps.
Also seams you want to have your date instance in -07:00 timezone
So you can change your line
DateTime dateTime = formatter.parseDateTime(input);
DateTime dateTime = formatter.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID("-07:00")).parseDateTime(input);

Google Calendars API - setTimeMax causing error

I'm trying to retrieve a list of events from a google calendar, using the Java api (jar version v3-rev9-1.7.0-beta)
This code works fine
Events e ="primary").
where service is a Calendar object.
However, if I add a setTimeMin or setTimeMax parameter, like this
Date now = new java.util.Date();
Events e ="primary").
setTimeMin(new DateTime(now)).
it returns a failure message, "Bad Request".
(note that as of this version, the setTime functions take a google DateTime object. I've also tried with the previous version of the jar, which takes a string, but received the same message).
So I was just wondering if anyone has successfully used these functions - perhaps they're not supposed to be called in this manner? Is there a way to get more detail back on the error?
Thanks :)
DateTime startTime = new DateTime(new Date(), TimeZone.getDefault());
Sorts the problem
I also encountered this. It seems the format of the DateTime.toString() or DateTime.toStringRfc3339() methods are incorrect as input to setTimeMin().
The DateTime.toString() format is:
yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS (SimpleDateFormat notation)
The format which it expects seems to be close to xsd:datetime format (whatever that is):
2012-07-04T21:02:16Z (zulu, gmt)
2012-07-04T21:02:16-07:00 (mst, -7h)
2012-07-04T21:02:16-0700 (it also works without the colon in the timezone)
yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ (SimpleDateFormat)
Formatting can be done with a SimpleDateFormat:
SimpleDateFormat FMT_TIME=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ");
String fromTimeStr=FMT_TIME.format(new Date());
Events evts =
Now, since I'm using the older API, I'm not sure how this would be done if the only method is setTimeMin(DateTime), but this should get you closer.
The Google documentation or source should mention this somewhere.

JSON parse date and time?

Im having a little issue with parsing json date.
Here is what I would like to parse:
{"driver": "247","firstName": "XXXXX","lastName": "XXXXX","lastLatitudeUpdate": "5/21/2012 4:49:17 PM","suspended": "false","checkedin": "0"}
I am having trouble parsing "lastLatitudeUpdate" is it because there are spaces in between? Thanks in advance for the help.
Assuming you are on Android and therefore working with java (yes you don't mention that, only the tag in your question suggests it...)
Like mentioned here (and in various other places) you can parse a date in java using the SimpleDateFormat class:
SimpleDateFormat parserSDF=new SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yyyy h:m:s a");
Date d = parserSDF.parse(dateField,0);
Of course you have to first parse you json input with some library (e.g. standard library from or Google gson) and then parse the string you'll get there for the field into a date.
Short answer: No, there is no way for the JSON engine to recognize a string as a Date object.
Long answer:
There is no 'date' type in JSON. However, this JSON is fine, the catch is that lastLatitudeUpdate will be parsed as a string. In order to convert this to a date you should try something like
var my_object= JSON.parse({"driver": "247","firstName": "XXXXX","lastName": "XXXXX","lastLatitudeUpdate": "5/21/2012 4:49:17 PM","suspended": "false","checkedin": "0"});
my_object.lastLatitudeUpdate= Date.parse(my_object.lastLatitudeUpdate)
This function will give a timestamp. However, you have to make sure the string is correctly recognized, you may have to do some extra work.
Some links for hints
How are you parsing the date? In Chrome this seems to work fine:
new Date("5/21/2012 4:49:17 PM");
Mon May 21 2012 16:49:17 GMT-0400 (US Eastern Daylight Time)
