I have the following function:
* Finds all entities of a certain type
* #param <T> The type of the entity
* #param entityType The class of the entity
* #return A list of all the entities found, null if the entity is not in the database
* or on error
public <T> List<T> findAll(Class entityType)
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery cq = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder().createQuery();
return getEntityManager().createQuery(cq).getResultList();
You will note it is rather repetitive. Is there anyway that I can refactor this function so that it does not need to take a Class as a parameter. Is there anyway that I can use the generic type being passed in?
No, you cannot — directly. In a couple paragraphs I'll show you another way around the problem.
Java generics are implemented via type erasure, meaning that all type information is stripped away at runtime. When your method is invoked, it knows that it is supposed to return a List, but at run time there is nothing to tell it that it is supposed to return List<Foo>. The ArrayList constructor doesn't need access to the class object to do its job; your code, however, does.
The way around this is to just pass the class which, since this is a generic method (as opposed to a generic class), you can do. If you change the declaration of your method to be
public <T> List<T> findAll(Class<T> entityType)
Then you can call it with the class:
and the compiler will automatically detect that it is supposed to return a List<String>. It reduces the redundancy, but by inferring the type argument from the class rather than the other way around. This is the standard way to solve this kind of problem — it shows up a lot in libraries like Guava.
The standard practice to create a "Generic DAO" is to have an abstract class that is parametrizable and have subclasses with a specific parameter. This way, the method itself is already parametrized with the correct type.
Take a look at this for an example:
Not really, no. Generics are a compile time feature. At run time a caller of your API can supply any instance of Class<T> for entityType so you need it available at runtime to provide to hibernate. The compiler has no ability to basically build a separate version of the method for every possible T, which is what it would have to do in order to omit the class parameter.
Also, Class is a raw type, you are already using generics improperly ;)
Java uses Type erasure, which means that the generic type parameter is not available at runtime (used at compile time to ensure your code is correct wrt to types). This means that to use persistence you will need to explicitly pass the class so the runtime can figure out how to do the persistence (e.g. what class the persisted object belongs to)
The simple answer is "no". Due to something called type erasure, all parameterized types are treated as Object.class at runtime in the compiled bytecode. The generic types are only used at compile time to prevent you from using things wrong.
You can more or less do what you're asking in Scala. (I'm not sure if you can use scala, but just for reference, here it is).
object Main extends App{
def findAll[T : Manifest]() : Array[T] = {
var a = new Array[T](0)
var result = findAll[String]()
var result2 = findAll[Array[Int]]()
By using the implicit Manfiest, the scala compiler keeps a record of what generics get erased on compile.
C# allows for getting the type of generic parameters using the typeof(T)method without the need to instantiating the T parameter. But in Java anytime I have generic T parameter and I want to determine the type I have to create an instance of that parameter,for example by using the Class<T> Type, to figure out what type that is.
In comparison with what C# provides, this approach in Java looks unnecessarily lengthy and complicated.
I would like to know what is best alternative to determine the type of a generic parameter without the need to instantiate that (for example if (T is Integer)).
Generics in Java is a compile-time feature - thus the mismatch between Java and C#. As a result you cannot do anything at run time to determine the type unless you are either passed an object of the type or create one yourself or actually told the class in some other way.
It is generally considered a bad idea to even try to find the type. It generally indicates that you have not designed your class hierarchy properly.
Generics are compile-time true... but you can give the compiler hints of what t really is.
by passing in the actual runtime class of what T really is, you allow the compiler to allow you runtime knowlege of the class T represents.
public <T> boolean isObjectT(Class<T> type, Object object){
return object.getClass().isAssignableFrom(type);
The answer on this question kinda spells out the limits of parameterized types:
Java: How do I specify a class of a class method argument?
If you are simply trying to get information from subclasses... you could try the reflection with paramterized types on this question:
How to determine the class of a generic type?
I have had good luck with that for more complex requirements.
Problem summary:
I would like to pass a class with a type parameter (such as ArrayList<SomeClass>, for example) to a generic method as a type parameter.
Let's say I have a method:
public static <T> T getGenericObjectFromJson(String json, Class<T> genericType){
// details unimportant, basically returns an object of specified type
return JsonParser.fromJson(json, genericType);
This method, of course, will work perfectly fine for any kind of class. I can call the method like so, for example:
getGenericObjectFromJson(jsonString, User.class)
The problem: I discovered I cannot do this:
getGenericObjectFromJson(jsonString, ArrayList<User>.class)
Syntactically, this is obviously invalid. However, I am not certain how I would even accomplish something like this. I can, of course, pass ArrayList.class, however the addition of the generic type makes it no longer syntactically valid, and I cannot think of a way around it.
The only direct solution has been something like this (which seems rather goofy):
getGenericObjectFromJson(jsonString, new ArrayList<User>().getClass())
However we end up losing the generic type anyways, and merely get back an ArrayList of unknown type (though it can be cast). Plus, unnecessarily instantiating an object.
My only solution thus far has been to wrap that method in a class that contains a generic type parameter which can be instantiated, like so:
public class JsonDeserializer<T>...
In this case, the getGenericObjectFromJson method will use the class's generic type.
The Question(s): Ultimately, I am curious why I cannot pass a class with a type parameter, AND whether there is a way to accomplish what I attempted to do.
As always, let me know if there are any problems with this question.
This is actually possible in Java, using some "tricks". Don't succumb to pressure from the C# fanatics! (j/k)
The "trick" is to create a class that extends a generic type, and access the value of the type parameter of the parent class through the Type returned by .getGenericSuperclass() or .getGenericInterfaces().
This is quite cumbersome. To simplify our lives, Google has already written most of the boring part of the code for us, and made it available through Guava.
Check the TypeToken class, which does exactly what you want. For example:
TypeToken<List<String>> stringListTok = new TypeToken<List<String>>() {};
Then you pass around a TypeToken<T> instead of a Class<T> and that's all. It provides you with methods to do reflection on the type represented by T.
What this is doing internally is simply calling .getClass().getGenericSuperclass() (or ...Interfaces()), then some ugly casts from Type to ParameterizedType and retrieving all the information from there (.getActualTypeArguments(), etc).
Finally, if you want to do something similar with Dependency Injection (ie, suppose you need to inject a Class<T> on the constructor of a class, or you want to get an instance of some parameterized interface, in which the instance should depend on the type parameter), Google Guice (a DI container from Google) has a very similar mechanism to solve the problem, called TypeLiteral. The use and the code behind the scenes are almost identical to TypeToken from Guava. Check it here: TypeLiteral
Is it possible to declare the type of a generic using a class object?
For instance, I would like to do something like this:
Class returnType = theMethod.getReturnType();
AttributeComponent<returnType> attComponent;
attComponent = new AttributeComponent<returnType>(returnType, attName);
attributeComponents.put(methodName.substring(3), attComponent);
Now I know obviously this is incorrect, but is there a way to achieve this?
EDIT: explaining a little bit
I'm using reflection to go through all getters and then generate a UI element for each property (the AttributeComponent class, which has a JComponent element and a JLabel). I would like to use generics in order to create a getValue() method that would return an object of the property type.
I do not know if there is a way to compile something like that, but it has little value.
Think that thanks to type erasure, the compiled classes do not use the Generics information. That is, doing a Set<String> a = new Set<String>(); is useful for checking the use of a at compile time, but not at runtime.
So, you want to instantiate a Generic whose type will be only known at runtime, but at runtime it will not be used.
I would say this can be achieved by defining the method return type as generic; but you need to pass the actual type as a class argument to use it like you've shown:
<T> T yourMethod(Class<T> returnType) {
// use <T> as generic and returnType to refer to the actual T class
/* ... */ new AttributeComponent<T>(returnType, attName);
It would be also useful to see the larger context for what you're trying to do. If you want AttributeComponent.getValue() to return some generic type T (which is the method return type), that's completely useless unless you know each method return type at compile time, otherwise T will be nothing more than an Object. In my example above, you call yourMethod with a class that you already know and the same type will be returned (or some AttributeComponent of that type or whatever).
If I declare a Class as a field:
Class fooClass;
Eclipse gives me the warning:
Class is a raw type. References to
generic type Class should be
What does this mean in practice? and why am I urged to do it? If I ask Eclipse for a "quick fix" it gives me:
Class<?> fooClass;
which doesn't seem to add much value but no longer gives a warning.
EDIT: Why is Class generic? Could you please give an example of parameterization, i.e. could there be a valid use of something other than <?> ?
EDIT: WOW! I had not realized the depths of this. I have also watched the Java Puzzler and it's certainly scared me about the bear traps. So I will always use
Class<MyString> myStringClass = MyString.class;
rather than
Class myStringClass = MyString.class;
(But having used Java from day one, I didn't really notice when Class became generic);
NOTE: I have accepted #oxbow_lakes as this makes sense to me, but it is clearly a very complicated area. I would urge all programmers to use the specific Class<MyString> rather than Class. And Class<?> is much safer than Class.
Raw Types and Unbounded Wildcards
None of the previous answers have really addressed why you should prefer Class<?> over Class, as on the face of it, the former seems to offer no more information than the latter.
The reason is that, the raw type, i.e. Class, prevents the compiler from making generic type checks. That is, if you use raw types, you subvert the type-system. For example:
public void foo(Class<String> c) { System.out.println(c); }
Can be called thusly (it will both compile and run):
Class r = Integer.class
But not by:
Class<?> w = Integer.class
By always using the non-raw form, even when you must use ? because you cannot know what the type parameter is (or is bounded by), you allow the compiler to reason about the correctness of your program more fully than if you used raw types.
Why have Raw Types at all?
The Java Language Specification says:
The use of raw types is allowed only as a concession to compatibility of legacy code
You should always avoid them. The unbounded wildcard ? is probably best described elsewhere but essentially means "this is parameterized on some type, but I do not know (or care) what it is". This is not the same as raw types, which are an abomination and do not exist in other languages with generics, like Scala.
Why is Class Parameterized?
Well, here is a use-case. Suppose I have some service interface:
public interface FooService
And I want to inject an implementation of it, using a system property to define the class to be used.
Class<?> c = Class.forName(System.getProperty("foo.service"));
I do not know at this point that my class, is of the correct type:
//next line throws ClassCastException if c is not of a compatible type
Class<? extends FooService> f = c.asSubclass(FooService.class);
Now I can instantiate a FooService:
FooService s = f.newInstance(); //no cast
which doesn't seem to add much value
but no longer gives a warning.
You're right. But this might add value:
Class<FooClass> fooClass;
or, if more appropriate:
Class<? extends FooClass> fooClass;
Class<FooInterface> fooClass;
As with generics in general, you can improve type safety by specifying what kind of class you want the variable to hold. The warning against raw types is just meant to catch pieces of code where this potential is not used. By declaring Class<?> you're basically saying "this is meant to hold any kind of class".
Because, since JDK 5, Class has now have parameterized type, which makes Class a generic object. This is necessary (since the introduction of Generics) for the compiler to do type checking (at compile time, of course).
Class<?> means a "class of unknown" where ? is a generics wildcard. It means a that fooClass of type Class<?> accepts a Class whose type matches anything.
Typical example:
Class<?> classUnknown = null;
classUnknown = ArrayList.class; //This compiles.
You can, effectively, provided a Parameterized Type to be more specific, e.g.:
Class<ArrayList> = ArrayList.class;
PS Bear in mind, that Class<List> listClass = ArrayList.class; won't compile (even though ArrayList is of List) but (as Mark Peters mentioned on the comment) Class<? extends List> listClass = ArrayList.class; does compile (thanks to the wildcard).
The Javadoc of the Class class does give some idea about why type parameters exist for this class:
T - the type of the class modeled by
this Class object. For example, the
type of String.class is Class<String>.
Use Class<?> if the class being
modeled is unknown.
The use of this type parameter is not so obvious, but a cursory look at the source code of the class, indicates why the type parameter is sometimes necessary. Consider the implementation of the newInstance method:
public T newInstance()
throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
checkMemberAccess(Member.PUBLIC, ClassLoader.getCallerClassLoader());
return newInstance0();
If one hasn't noticed, the type of the object returned by this method is that of the type parameter. This is useful in code that utilizes a lot of reflection, and where one would like to be extra careful to ensure that objects of the right type are being instantiated.
Considering the example in the question, if the class instance was instead declared as:
Class<String> fooClass;
Class<Integer> barClass;
String aString;
then, it is next to impossible to have the following code to compile:
aString = barClass.newInstance();
In short, if you're going to be working with class hierarchies and you wish to impose strict compile time checks to ensure that your code does not need to perform a lot of instanceof checks, then you're better off specifying the type of the class that you wish to utilize. Specifying ? allows all types, but there would be cases when you'll need to be more specific.
Because using raw types instead of parameterized types has many pitfalls.
One of which is that if a raw type is used, all generics on the class are lost. Even those defined per-method.
I would like to be able to detirmine the return type of my method call at runtime, but I can not seem to be able to get the Type of T.
public <T> T getT()
Object t = null;
Class<?> c = t.getClass();
return (T) t;
Is there any way to determine the Type of T at runtime in Java?
Your function will throw a NullPointerException, because you call "getClass" on a null pointer (since t is initialized with null). Additionally, generics are used for giving added compile-time type-checking. They do not give you anything special at runtime; generics simply use type Object, but cause the code which uses the generic object to perform implicit casts and also causes the compiler to be aware of how you will use it.
Java generics are a static type checking feature. Attempting to retrieve reflection artifacts from generic parameters is typical of poorly thought out design.
In the question example, there is no guarantee that T is a class or even interface. For example
List<? extends Frogs> list = thing.getT();
If you really want to go down this path (and I strongly suggest you don't, not that I expect you to take any notice), then you can supply a reflection object that is statically related to the generic parameter as an argument:
public <T> T getT(Class<T> clazz) {
Object value = map.get(clazz);
return clazz.cast(value);
If you have a generic Class you can write a constructor that takes the type and saves it into a member of your class. This way you can check the Type during runtime. All information that are only in the generics are gone after compiling.