How to restrict users in activemq? - java

I am newbie to activemq.I have downloaded latest activemq 5.8 and run the server.I have created queue and sending sample messages using following code:
// URL of the JMS server. DEFAULT_BROKER_URL will just mean
// that JMS server is on localhost
private static String url = ActiveMQConnection.DEFAULT_BROKER_URL;
// Name of the queue we will be sending messages to
private static String subject = "TESTQUEUE";
public static void main(String[] args) throws JMSException {
// Getting JMS connection from the server and starting it
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory =
new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(url);
Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
// JMS messages are sent and received using a Session. We will
// create here a non-transactional session object. If you want
// to use transactions you should set the first parameter to 'true'
Session session = connection.createSession(false,
// Destination represents here our queue 'TESTQUEUE' on the
// JMS server. You don't have to do anything special on the
// server to create it, it will be created automatically.
Destination destination = session.createQueue(subject);
// MessageProducer is used for sending messages (as opposed
// to MessageConsumer which is used for receiving them)
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination);
// We will send a small text message saying 'Hello' in Japanese
TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("こんにちは");
// Here we are sending the message!
System.out.println("Sent message '" + message.getText() + "'");
I have run above code and queue created successfully.Now i want to restrict user access in activemq server.I changed the createConnnection method as below
Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection("test","test");
Now if i run changed code messages sending to queue successfully.but test user is not there in activemq even connection established.How to restrict this user?
<authorizationEntry queue=">" read="admins" write="admins" admin="admins" />
<authorizationEntry queue="USERS.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />
<authorizationEntry queue="GUEST.>" read="guests" write="guests,users" admin="guests,users" />
<authorizationEntry queue="TEST.Q" read="guests" write="guests" />
<authorizationEntry topic=">" read="admins" write="admins" admin="admins" />
<authorizationEntry topic="USERS.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />
<authorizationEntry topic="GUEST.>" read="guests" write="guests,users" admin="guests,users" />
<authorizationEntry topic="ActiveMQ.Advisory.>" read="guests,users" write="guests,users" admin="guests,users"/>
In the above file is activemq.xml.Now i want to access queue only certain users only.
How to restrict users in actviemq? what am i need change above activemq.xml file?

See ActiveMQ doc:
In activemq.xml :
Define queues you want to create in "destinations" section .
You can control privileges by defining groups in the "users" section.
In the "authorizationEntries" section, you can define what groups are allowed to read, write and admin a queue.
Framgent of activemq.xml:
<queue physicalName="DEMOQUEUE01" />
<queue physicalName="DEMOQUEUE02" />
<queue physicalName="DEMOQUEUE03" />
<simpleAuthenticationPlugin anonymousAccessAllowed="false">
<authenticationUser username="admin" password="admin" groups="usuarios,users,admins"/>
<authenticationUser username="system" password="manager" groups="usuarios,users,admins"/>
<authenticationUser username="youruser1" password="password123" groups="GROUP01,DEMOGROUP"/>
<authenticationUser username="youruser2" password="password456" groups="GROUP01,OTHERGROUP"/>
<authorizationEntry queue = "DEMOQUEUE01" read="admins,GROUP01" write="admins,GROUP01" admin="admins"/>
<authorizationEntry queue = "DEMOQUEUE02" read="admins,DEMOGROUP" write="admins" admin="admins"/>
<authorizationEntry queue = "DEMOQUEUE03" read="admins,OTHERGROUP" write="admins,OTHERGROUP" admin="admins"/>
<authorizationEntry queue=">" read="admins" write="admins" admin="admins" />
<authorizationEntry topic=">" read="usuarios,admins,GROUP01" write="usuarios,admins,GROUP01" admin="usuarios" />


Why username and password are not respected in activemq createConnection

I created a one and only broker in activemq and I am using the following code to produce and consume messages. I took this code from here.
public boolean runExample() throws Exception {
Connection connection = null;
InitialContext initialContext = null;
try {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "org.apache.activemq.artemis.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory");
properties.put("connectionFactory.ConnectionFactory", "tcp://localhost:61616");
properties.put("queue.queue/exampleQueue", "exampleQueue");
initialContext = new InitialContext(properties);
Queue queue = (Queue) initialContext.lookup("queue/exampleQueue");
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (ConnectionFactory) initialContext.lookup("ConnectionFactory");
connection = connectionFactory.createConnection("admin", "admin");//brokerone
Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(queue);
TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("This is a text message");
System.out.println("Sent message: " + message.getText());
MessageConsumer messageConsumer = session.createConsumer(queue);
TextMessage messageReceived = (TextMessage) messageConsumer.receive(5000);
System.out.println("Received message: " + messageReceived.getText());
return true;
} finally {
if (initialContext != null) {
if (connection != null) {
Now, while creating connection if I put any random string for password in connectionFactory.createConnection method then it still creates connection and I can see the produced messages in broker console. I looked up the documentation and here for more explanation but it also says that the strings passed in createConnection method are username and password.
So now, my question is what is the purpose of username and password when they are not used while creating connection?
broker.xml (after removing bulk commented lines)
<configuration xmlns="urn:activemq"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:activemq /schema/artemis-configuration.xsd">
<core xmlns="urn:activemq:core" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:activemq:core ">
<!-- When using ASYNCIO, this will determine the writing queue depth for libaio. -->
<!-- how often we are looking for how many bytes are being used on the disk in ms -->
<!-- once the disk hits this limit the system will block, or close the connection in certain protocols that won't support flow control. -->
<!-- should the broker detect dead locks and other issues -->
<!-- Acceptor for every supported protocol -->
<acceptor name="artemis">tcp://;tcpReceiveBufferSize=1048576;amqpMinLargeMessageSize=102400;protocols=CORE,AMQP,STOMP,HORNETQ,MQTT,OPENWIRE;useEpoll=true;amqpCredits=1000;amqpLowCredits=300;amqpDuplicateDetection=true</acceptor>
<!-- AMQP Acceptor. Listens on default AMQP port for AMQP traffic.-->
<acceptor name="amqp">tcp://;tcpReceiveBufferSize=1048576;protocols=AMQP;useEpoll=true;amqpCredits=1000;amqpLowCredits=300;amqpMinLargeMessageSize=102400;amqpDuplicateDetection=true</acceptor>
<!-- STOMP Acceptor. -->
<acceptor name="stomp">tcp://;tcpReceiveBufferSize=1048576;protocols=STOMP;useEpoll=true</acceptor>
<!-- HornetQ Compatibility Acceptor. Enables HornetQ Core and STOMP for legacy HornetQ clients. -->
<acceptor name="hornetq">tcp://;multicastPrefix=jms.topic.;protocols=HORNETQ,STOMP;useEpoll=true</acceptor>
<!-- MQTT Acceptor -->
<acceptor name="mqtt">tcp://;tcpReceiveBufferSize=1048576;protocols=MQTT;useEpoll=true</acceptor>
<security-setting match="#">
<permission type="createNonDurableQueue" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="deleteNonDurableQueue" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="createDurableQueue" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="deleteDurableQueue" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="createAddress" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="deleteAddress" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="consume" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="browse" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="send" roles="amq"/>
<!-- we need this otherwise ./artemis data imp wouldn't work -->
<permission type="manage" roles="amq"/>
<!-- if you define auto-create on certain queues, management has to be auto-create -->
<address-setting match="">
<!-- with -1 only the global-max-size is in use for limiting -->
<!--default for catch all-->
<address-setting match="#">
<!-- with -1 only the global-max-size is in use for limiting -->
<address name="DLQ">
<queue name="DLQ" />
<address name="ExpiryQueue">
<queue name="ExpiryQueue" />
<broker xmlns="">
<jaas-security domain="activemq"/>
<!-- artemis.URI.instance is parsed from artemis.instance by the CLI startup.
This is to avoid situations where you could have spaces or special characters on this URI -->
<server configuration="file:/C:/dev/artemis/apache-artemis-2.13.0/bin/brokerone/etc//broker.xml"/>
<!-- The web server is only bound to localhost by default -->
<web bind="http://localhost:8161" path="web">
<app url="activemq-branding" war="activemq-branding.war"/>
<app url="artemis-plugin" war="artemis-plugin.war"/>
<app url="console" war="console.war"/>
activemq { sufficient
reload=true""""; sufficient
The username and password are used when creating the connection. The behavior your observing where it doesn't matter what credentials you pass is due to your configuration. You've specifically configured the broker to allow "guest" users (i.e. users with bad credentials or no credentials) via your login.config: sufficient
You can read more about this login module in the documentation.
If you don't want to allow "guest" users then you can change login.config to be:
activemq { required
When the client creates the session, the broker tries to authenticate the client with the passed username and password.
Your login.config file contains 2 login modules PropertiesLoginModule and GuestLoginModule. If PropertiesLoginModule fails the login because of a wrong username/password the GuestLoginModule will login the user admin with the role amq as defined in your login.config file.
Considering a standard installation (5.16.3), when you extract the archive you will find a conf folder.
Starting from there as a base for a Docker container, i had a hard time to configure ActiveMQ security, as there are multiple files involved which partly did not work as expected.
I assume i did not configure everything correctly, as changing login.config had basically no effect.
The only way i got security working was
change for the admin web page access
change activemq.xml for broker security config
(Solution for activemq.xml was found here)
Example config snippet for broker security:
<broker xmlns="" brokerName="localhost" dataDirectory="${}">
<simpleAuthenticationPlugin anonymousAccessAllowed="false">
<authenticationUser username="admin" password="admin1234!" groups="admins,senders,receivers"/>
<!---<authenticationUser username="user" password="password" groups="users"/>
<authenticationUser username="guest" password="password" groups="guests"/>-->
<authorizationEntry queue=">" write="senders" read="receivers" admin="admins" />
<authorizationEntry topic="ActiveMQ.Advisory.>" write="senders" read="receivers" admin="admins,senders,receivers" />
This finally enabled security for Queue access.

Cannot connect to ActiveMQ using JAAS authentication

I have installed an ActiveMQ broker with JAAS authentication enabled as follows:
<jaasAuthenticationPlugin configuration="PropertiesLogin" />
<authorizationEntry queue=">" write="senders" read="receivers" admin="admins" />
activemq { org.apache.activemq.jaas.PropertiesLoginModule required"""" reload=true; };
Now I am trying from a standalone java client to connect using the following:
ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://remote-ip:61616");
// Create a Connection
Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection("admin","adminpass");
// Create a Session
Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// Create the destination (Topic or Queue)
Destination destination = session.createQueue("TEST.FOO");
However I get the following in client syserr:
Caused by: Configuration Error:
Line 2: expected [{], found [activemq]
... 30 more
Caught: javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: User name [admin] or password is invalid.
And the following in amq log:
2019-10-09 14:42:29,628 | WARN | Failed to add Connection id=ID:myhost-33642-1570621349189-4:1, clientId=ID:myhost-33642-1570621349189-0:1 due to {} | | ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///myhost:33645#61616
java.lang.SecurityException: User name [admin] or password is invalid.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
The exception is coming from the JVM itself regarding the syntax of your login.config. The content of your login.config looks fine. Try this syntax:
activemq {
org.apache.activemq.jaas.PropertiesLoginModule required""""
This should be the only thing in login.config.
The solution to this issue was to make the following changes to my configuration:
login.config(thanks to #justin-bertram for the help)
PropertiesLogin {
org.apache.activemq.jaas.PropertiesLoginModule required""""
Also setting the following lines in activemq.xml resolved the authorization issue I had:
<jaasAuthenticationPlugin configuration="PropertiesLogin" />
<authorizationEntry queue=">" write="admins" read="admins" admin="admins" />
<authorizationEntry topic=">" write="admins" read="admins" admin="admins" />

Intercept a Spring integration http:inbound-gateway's replyChannel

I would like to apply an Interceptor on the reply-channel of an http:inbound-gateway to save some event related data to a table. The flow continues in a chain which then goes to a header-value-router. As an example let's take a service-activator at the end of this flow, where the output-channel is not specified. In this case, the replyChannel header holds a TemporaryReplyChannel object (anonymous reply channel) instead of the gateway's reply-channel. This way the Interceptor is never called.
Is there a way to "force" the usage of the specified reply-channel? The Spring document states that
by defining a default-reply-channel you can point to a channel of your choosing, which in this case would be a publish-subscribe-channel. The Gateway would create a bridge from it to the temporary, anonymous reply channel that is stored in the header.
I've tried using a publish-subscribe-channel as reply-channel, but it didn't make any difference. Maybe I misunderstood the article...
Inside my chain I've also experimented with a header-enricher. I wanted to overwrite the value of the replyChannel with the id of the channel I want to intercept ( While debugging I was able to see "" in the header, but then I got an exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/transaction/interceptor/NoRollbackRuleAttribute and stopped trying ;-)
Code snippets
<int-http:inbound-gateway id="submitHttpGateway"
request-channel="" reply-channel="" path="/submit" supported-methods="GET">
<int-http:header name="requestAttributes" expression="#requestAttributes" />
<int-http:header name="requestParametersMap" expression="#requestParams" />
<int:channel id="" />
<int:publish-subscribe-channel id="">
<int:ref bean="replyChannelInterceptor" />
Thanks in advance for your help!
The only "easy" way is to explicitly send the reply via the output-channel on the last endpoint.
In fact, all that happens when you send to a declared channel is the reply channel is simply bridged to the replyChannel header.
You could do it by saving off the replyChannel header in another header, set the replyChannel header to some other channel (which you can intercept); then restore the replyChannel header to the saved-off channel before the reply is returned to the gateway.
Sample config...
<int:channel id="in" />
<int:header-enricher input-channel="in" output-channel="next">
<int:header name="origReplyChannel" expression="headers['replyChannel']"/>
<int:reply-channel ref="myReplies" overwrite="true" />
<int:router input-channel="next" expression="payload.equals('foo')">
<int:mapping value="true" channel="channel1" />
<int:mapping value="false" channel="channel2" />
<int:transformer input-channel="channel1" expression="payload.toUpperCase()" />
<int:transformer input-channel="channel2" expression="payload + payload" />
<int:channel id="myReplies" />
<!-- restore the reply channel -->
<int:header-enricher input-channel="myReplies" output-channel="tapped">
<int:reply-channel expression="headers['origReplyChannel']" overwrite="true" />
<int:channel id="tapped">
<int:wire-tap channel="loggingChannel" />
<int:logging-channel-adapter id="loggingChannel" log-full-message="true" logger-name="tapInbound"
level="INFO" />
<!-- route reply -->
<int:bridge id="bridgeToNowhere" input-channel="tapped" />
MessageChannel channel = context.getBean("in", MessageChannel.class);
MessagingTemplate template = new MessagingTemplate(channel);
String reply = template.convertSendAndReceive("foo", String.class);
reply = template.convertSendAndReceive("bar", String.class);
System.out.println(reply); }
09:36:30.224 INFO [main][tapInbound] GenericMessage [payload=FOO, headers={replyChannel=org.springframework.messaging.core.GenericMessagingTemplate$TemporaryReplyChannel#fba92d3, errorChannel=org.springframework.messaging.core.GenericMessagingTemplate$TemporaryReplyChannel#fba92d3, id=326a610f-80c6-5b74-0158-e3644b732aab, origReplyChannel=org.springframework.messaging.core.GenericMessagingTemplate$TemporaryReplyChannel#fba92d3, timestamp=1442496990223}]
09:36:30.227 INFO [main][tapInbound] GenericMessage [payload=barbar, headers={replyChannel=org.springframework.messaging.core.GenericMessagingTemplate$TemporaryReplyChannel#662b4c69, errorChannel=org.springframework.messaging.core.GenericMessagingTemplate$TemporaryReplyChannel#662b4c69, id=d161917c-ca73-a5a9-d0f1-d7a4346a459e, origReplyChannel=org.springframework.messaging.core.GenericMessagingTemplate$TemporaryReplyChannel#662b4c69, timestamp=1442496990227}]

Mix tcp-connection-factory + tcp-inbound-gateway + router

Can I send distinct messages (distinct serialize/deserialize) to the same tcp server (same host and port) and differentiate the tcp-inbound-gateway by some value of header or payload with a router???
I want to add a router for select the correct tcp-inbound-gateway depends on some field in header or payload (for example named typedata). In what order would enter the request (or message) between router, tcp-inbound-gateway, tcp-connection-factory, serialize/deserialize? Will I have problems with the serialization/deserialization for chose the tcp-inbound-gateway? What is the correct way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
In server:
<!-- Common -->
<int:channel id="channelConnectionFactoryRequest" />
<int:channel id="channelConnectionFactoryResponse" />
<router method="getDestinationChannel"
<beans:bean class="org.mbracero.integration.CustomRouter" />
<beans:bean id="customSerializerDeserializer"
class="org.mbracero.integration.serialization.CustomSerializerDeserializer" />
<int-ip:tcp-connection-factory id="customConnectionFactory"
type="server" port="${payment.port}" single-use="true"
deserializer="customSerializerDeserializer" />
<int-ip:tcp-inbound-gateway id="customInboundGateway"
error-channel="errorChannel" />
<!-- Custom -->
<beans:bean id="operations"
class="org.mbracero.integration.applepay.impl.OperationsImpl" />
<!-- Operation One -->
<int:channel id="operationOneRequest" />
<int:service-activator input-channel="operationOneRequest"
output-channel="operationOneResponse" ref="operations" method="getOperationOne" />
<!-- Operation Two -->
<int:channel id="operationTwoRequest" />
<int:service-activator input-channel="operationTwoRequest"
output-channel="operationTwoResponse" ref="operations" method="getOperationTwo" />
ResultOne getOperationOne(RequestOne request);
ResultTwo getOperationOne(RequestTwo request);
ResultOne & ResultTwo implements ResultBase. And in serialize of customSerializerDeserializer I have:
public void serialize(ResultBase arg0, OutputStream arg1) throws IOException {
byte[] xxx = XXX.getBytes();
byte[] yyy = yyy.getBytes();
// **Each custom object have a method for serialize their own data**
In client:
<gateway id="tmGateway"
service-interface="org.mbracero.integration.CustomGateway" />
<beans:bean id="operationOneSerializerDeserializer"
class="org.mbracero.integration.serialization.OperationOneSerializerDeserializer" />
<int-ip:tcp-connection-factory id="operationOneFactory"
type="client" host="" port="7878" single-use="true"
serializer="operationOneSerializerDeserializer" deserializer="operationOneSerializerDeserializer" />
<int-ip:tcp-outbound-gateway id="operationOneOutGateway"
request-channel="operationOneChannel" connection-factory="operationOneFactory"
request-timeout="5000" reply-timeout="5000" remote-timeout="5000" />
<beans:bean id="operationTwoSerializerDeserializer"
<int-ip:tcp-connection-factory id="operationTwoFactory"
type="client" host="" port="7878" single-use="true"
deserializer="operationTwoSerializerDeserializer" />
<int-ip:tcp-outbound-gateway id="operationTwoOutGateway"
request-channel="operationTwoChannel" connection-factory="operationTwoFactory"
request-timeout="50000" reply-timeout="50000" remote-timeout="50000" />
OperationOneResponse sendOperationOne(OperationOneRequest request);
OperationTwoResponse sendOperationTwo(OperationTwo request);
You cannot have 2 server connection factories listening on the same port. TCP doesn't allow it - the network stack wouldn't know which server socket to route the request to.
There's no problem on the client side but, with a single socket, the server would have to understand how to deserialize both data types.
It's probably easier to combine the serializers/deserializers into one on both sides (add another header to the message so the deserializer knows what type of payload to decode).

Spring JMS - Unable to connect to broker URL with embedded Broker

Here's my JmsMessageSender
public class JmsMessageSender {
private JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;
* send text to default destination
* #param text
public void send(final String text) {
this.jmsTemplate.send(new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
Message message = session.createTextMessage(text);
return message;
* Simplify the send by using convertAndSend
* #param text
public void sendText(final String text) {
* Send text message to a specified destination
* #param text
public void send(final Destination dest,final String text) {
this.jmsTemplate.send(dest,new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
Message message = session.createTextMessage(text);
return message;
Here's my DemoClass
public class DemoMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// init spring context
ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("context.xml");
// get bean from context
JmsMessageSender jmsMessageSender = (JmsMessageSender)ctx.getBean("jmsMessageSender");
// send to default destination
jmsMessageSender.send("hello JMS");
// send to a code specified destination
Queue queue = new ActiveMQQueue("AnotherDest");
jmsMessageSender.send(queue, "hello Another Message");
// close spring application context
My context.xml
and my activemq.xml configuration.
<!-- Allows us to use system properties as variables in this configuration file -->
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="locations">
The <broker> element is used to configure the ActiveMQ broker.
<broker xmlns="" brokerName="localhost" dataDirectory="activemq-data">
For better performances use VM cursor and small memory limit.
For more information, see:
Also, if your producer is "hanging", it's probably due to producer flow control.
For more information, see:
<policyEntry topic=">" producerFlowControl="true">
<!-- The constantPendingMessageLimitStrategy is used to prevent
slow topic consumers to block producers and affect other consumers
by limiting the number of messages that are retained
For more information, see:
<constantPendingMessageLimitStrategy limit="1000"/>
<policyEntry queue=">" producerFlowControl="true" memoryLimit="1mb">
<!-- Use VM cursor for better latency
For more information, see:
The managementContext is used to configure how ActiveMQ is exposed in
JMX. By default, ActiveMQ uses the MBean server that is started by
the JVM. For more information, see:
<managementContext createConnector="false"/>
Configure message persistence for the broker. The default persistence
mechanism is the KahaDB store (identified by the kahaDB tag).
For more information, see:
<kahaDB directory="activemq-data/kahadb"/>
The systemUsage controls the maximum amount of space the broker will
use before slowing down producers. For more information, see:
If using ActiveMQ embedded - the following limits could safely be used:
<memoryUsage limit="20 mb"/>
<storeUsage limit="1 gb"/>
<tempUsage limit="100 mb"/>
<memoryUsage limit="64 mb"/>
<storeUsage limit="100 gb"/>
<tempUsage limit="50 gb"/>
The transport connectors expose ActiveMQ over a given protocol to
clients and other brokers. For more information, see:
<!-- DOS protection, limit concurrent connections to 1000 and frame size to 100MB -->
<transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://"/>
<transportConnector name="amqp" uri="amqp://"/>
<!-- destroy the spring context on shutdown to stop jetty -->
<bean xmlns="" class="org.apache.activemq.hooks.SpringContextHook" />
However when I run my main class this error shows. Did I miss anything in the config?
Caused by: javax.jms.JMSException: Could not connect to broker URL: tcp:// Reason: Connection timed out: connect
Have you started the AMQ-broker on tcp:// ? If not then starting it should solve the problem.
Had simillar Errors.
Heres solution.
try to connect to borker at your ip address
Could not connect to broker URL: tcp://
above mentioned ip address is relevent to Example's System.
try to run same code for your ip address.(Know your ipAddress in network settings or command "ipconfig")
Could not connect to broker URL: tcp://
