I'm writing here because I'm getting headaches trying to find out what is happening.
I'm currently working on a "toolbox" project where the id is to validate a provided string among different kind of rules.
I've stored the different rules on XML files and the project itself works properly.
Its structure is something like :
ValidatorProject :
|___ src/main/java
|____ ValidatorManage.java (this one have a method that is able to load the correct config validator file and validate the provided String)
|___ src/main/resources
|____ *.xml (a lot of xml config files)
Unit testing, direct Manager instanciation inside the project itself works as expected.
Now I'd like to add this project as a maven dependency to other projects that could need to validate some datas.
My problem as creating a new ValidatorManger instance in the second project ValidatorManager.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream is not working because it used the project n°2 classpath and can't find the config files.
I tried to import the resources in the maven build of the validator project (I got it if I unzip the jar file), but I don't know how can I have access to it.
If someone have the solution (and more important the explanations about the way it work) I would be really grateful for it cause I turn around on this.
I'm pretty sure there is something to do during the maven build of the validator project but can't find what.
Thanks in advance for taking time to read me and sorry for my english :/
Have a nice day
Put the xml config files under src/main/resources
I finally find something working;
I'm not sure this is the way to do it (also do not seem to be really practical to do that for every project that need this project);
At least this is working for now, I'm still open for better solution if you have some.
I know I am asking the very popular question. But I can not find the solution to the problem. I have a sandbox to which I added a code of the unit test MulticurveBuildingDiscountingDiscountAUDTest.java file and commented it.
Then I added the main method and I could successfully run the program (print something in a console).
Finally, I uncommented the code of the MulticurveBuildingDiscountingDiscountAUDTest.java file and I saw the following error:
The import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.instrument.index.GeneratorSwapFixedONMaster cannot be resolved.
And further in the code:
GeneratorSwapFixedONMaster cannot be resolved
I know that this import is located in the og-analytics src/test/java location, which I believe is not listed anywhere in the build path. I believe the problem is with a build path options and specially with classes like GeneratorSwapFixedONMaster which were created specially for tests. I have been playing around with cleaning, rebuilding projects, reinstalling and as a result updating the JRE. I have visited these Import *** cannot be resolved [duplicate] and these Eclipse error: “The import XXX cannot be resolved” questions.
Do you know what shall I do to cure the following error?
I have many problems with other imports from the original MulticurveBuildingDiscountingDiscountAUDTest.java file as well.
Update: #1 is a location of my file. #2 is the location of classes this project uses. The MulticurveBuildingDiscountingDiscountAUDTest.java file is taken from the src/test/java
Update 2: one may see that in Libraries I have included all the dependencies I might need (at least I do not know what else to add). The Maven Dependencies contains the hole og-analytics package:
You included the source (src) folder og-analytics/src/main/java which contains the *.java files instead of the classes (bin or classes) folder with the *.class files (in your case, probably og-analytics/target/classes).
But instead using Add Class Folder... you should add the project og-analytics in the tab Projects. Or even better, in the Maven pom.xml file add the dependency to the project og-analytics like you did for og-util.
I know that this import is located in the og-analytics src/test/java location, which I believe is not listed anywhere in the build path.
Perfectly explains your problem. In order to import any class, you must either have the source in your build path, or some directory that contains a compiled version of that class. It is that simply.
The answer is: get clear on your project setup. If you intend to use classes from somewhere, you have to make them available somehow. Otherwise it will not work. In your case: if your tests want to make use a certain thing - then you should probably add that "thing" to your test project (you should avoid putting test-only stuff to your "product" projects).
That is all there is to this.
I’m using the immutables.org and mapstruct annotation processors in my sbt project (I've moved them to subprojects, so they don't interfere with each other).
Sometimes, compiling my project fails in compileIncremental because the annotation processor would create a new file, but the compiler already read the previously generated file or I changed my interface in src/main/java but the (previously) generated sources still "implement" the old interface (they would be overwritten, but that happens only after processing the sources in src/main/java).
My workaround was to create a task that deletes the generated sources beforehand for which "(compile in Compile)" would depend on.
Is there another way to do this? like disabling compileIncremental for one single project? or specifying the order of compilation? (like first normal sources, then unmanagedSources)
Alternatively finding out if the sourceFiles really changed and only then deleting the generated sources would also work for me, but I’m not sure how to approach that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Right now i am trying to do some POC with JBoss Drool Workbench.
I am facing one Problem: I have uploaded on JAR file as a dependency. which contains Bean and some of the business logic service class. which also contains class which have list of static method which need to call from Rule.
My Problem is i am able to get all beans and constant classes in Guided Rule UI in Config tab for Imports. but other then all remaining class, like class contains static method are not available for import. Due to that i am not able to import that class, and not able to use that one.
Please help me out.
Genius Thanks in Advance.
After seen warning i came to know that i also need to upload dependent jar file in workbench and also provide dependency to project, drool itself provide a hint for same. finally the problem has been resolved.
In the project setting tab, you have to add dependency of the maven project containing POJO. It will give you option to either load from central or load from local repository. If you choose, central, the pom.xml will contain the reference to download the dependency while createing the jar. If you choose from local, it will add the class files to your jar.
Our project has started newly and wanted to know some of the best practices followed in industry. We have generated lot of DTOs(getters and setters) code for webservices using JaxB. we keep all the DTO classes along with regular pojos(logic written), its looks like large project due to this auto-generated code, also for code coverage it considers these classes also.
I am keen to know that these classes should be as a jar file in classpath or it should be as classes in project.
Thanks in Advance,
If your project uses Maven (or something similar) I would advise having the code generation and the generated code in a separate module of a multi module project.
This way the generated stuff is out of the way of the hand crafted code. You can also set up your Maven build process to then build this module first and the rest of the code can rely on the resulting artefact, be it a jar or something else.
You could also regenerate the generated code on each new build this way. Although this can be a lengthy process, depending on the service.
Generated files should not be mixed with your written files.
A common approach is to generate them to the target folder, e.g. target/generated-sources or something similiar. Of course, if they are rarely changed, you could also put them in a jar file that you import into your project.
I think its better to keep them in jar. As its auto generated code and no one is supposed to change. Whenever regenerated include new jar.
I have a project which I want to add plugins. I have all the interfaces/factories/etc. setup (my gateway interface is called ApplicationMonitorFactory), I just need to make a way to locate/activate the plugin. My configuration file is a java properties file.
I think what I need to do is:
find a good way to specify a set of one or more plugins
for each plugin, run it
1. find a good way to specify a set of one or more plugins
something like:
I think maybe it's just best to specify a list of jar files; for each jar file specified, the implication is that it contains one or more classes which implement ApplicationMonitorFactory, and these are the ones that will be instantiated. (I might also add an annotation #ApplicationMonitorPlugin so that a .jar file can have a test ApplicationMonitorFactory that does not get instantiated)
Does this sound reasonable?
2. for each plugin, run it
I did this once a while back, and if I remember right I think I need to use a custom classloader to add the appropriate .jar file to the classpath dynamically. Or is there an easier way?
Could I suggest using OSGI instead? If it's a serverside project, something like Apache Karaf gives you quite a lot out of the box in terms of plugin deployment and specification.
To answer the questions based on what you have at the moment:
1. find a good way to specify a set of one or more plugins
The properties file approach is fine. You may want to just be able to drop plugins into a folder that you monitor if you want hot deploy. Just having 1 jar file for a plugin does limit plugin developers to packaging all of their dependencies into a single jar file (maven shade plugin is useful for this). The annotation approach should work (the approach that Servlet 3.0 uses). Using OSGI, you'd have a manifest file with a Bundle-Activator property that would reference the plugin class that should be instantiated.
2. for each plugin, run it
Yes, you would need to fire up a class loader for the Jar files. This is where things get a bit hairier. It's easy enough to do but Class loading has all sorts of gotcha's. This is where OSGI would really help, even though it is a bit of an upfront cost.