Testing Package-level function in kotlin which uses LocalDate - java

I have DateUtil.kt file which contains.
fun getFirstDayOfTheWeek(): String {
val firstDay: LocalDate = LocalDate.now(ZoneId.of(DateConstants.IST_ZONE_ID))
return firstDay.toString()
How can i test this? There is no class and just functions. Using spring boot,
#ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) works at a class level.
Should i still create a DateUtilTest class for it , or is there a way to test without creating a class?
class DateUtilsTest {
fun getFirstDayOfTheWeekTest() {
Also, Can someone help with how this function can be tested? Should i mock the LocalDate library?

You don't need SpringExtension to test simple non-spring code. All you need a simple test in a class.
Couple of things to consider while designing such function. LocalDate.now() makes the function impure. Instead this Date should come as a parameter to the function, so it is easier to test. With Kotlin, you can initialize with default value, so the signature does not change for function callers.
fun getFirstDayOfTheWeek(date: LocalDate = LocalDate.now()): String {
val firstDay: LocalDate = date.with(TemporalAdjusters.previousOrSame(DayOfWeek.MONDAY))
return firstDay.toString()
class DateUtilKt {
fun testFirstDayOfTheWeek() {
val day = getFirstDayOfTheWeek(LocalDate.of(2020, 5,22))
assertEquals("2020-05-18", day)


Is it possible to initialize some of the fields in a mock object

I have a code that I cannot correctly cover with tests.
I am using the Mockito library.
And I had difficulty at the moment of starting the test.
Below is the test code:
public void testLoadCar() {
when(remoteService.loadData()).thenReturn(new DataResult<DataCar>("", "", new DataCar()));
requestNetwork = new RequestNetwork(remoteService);
Response<DataCar> response = requestNetwork.load(request);
These are objects in the test class: remoteService, dataResult, request.
I am concerned about the moment where I am trying to implement the when method:
I would like to know if such a recording will work.
If it doesn't work, then how can we handle this moment:
protected Response createResponse(DataResult<T> dataResult) {
if (dataResult.hasError() || !dataResult.response.hasHeaders()) {
return dataResult.getErrorMessage());
} else {
return Response.data(dataResult.value);
This is a method on the system under test (SUT) that has a createResponse() method. This method contains a call to the mock method of the DataResult object.
To implement dataResult.hasError () I got it:
when (dataResult.hasError ()). thenReturn (true);
Then with! DataResult.response.hasHeaders () I have a problem. Since I don't understand how to substitute the value I need.
Not all objects that your object under test interacts with need to be mocks.
Remember that you can use POJOs as well.
DataResult looks like a perfect candidate for a POJO.
You gain nothing by using a mock objet if you can create a POJO with desired state and behaviour.
Looking at the posted code, it looks like it is easy to create:
new DataResult<DataCar>("", "", new DataCar())
On top of that:
Your code looks suspicious to me.
when stubbing remoteService.loadData() you create a new instance of DataResult
subsequently, you stub some calls on dataResult, which is not an object returned from remoteService.loadData()
And to answer original post:
You can set fields on mocks (directly if access modifiers allow it, or via reflection otherwise). Note that this is highly not-idiomatic and surprising use of mocks.
class A {
B b;
class B {
boolean hasHeaders() {
return true;
public class AAATest {
A aMock;
B bMock;
void setupMocks() {
aMock.b = bMock;
void testFieldInMockIsInitialized() {
Assertions.assertEquals(bMock, aMock.b);

How to mock LocalDatTime.now() using mockito?

I'm writing unit test to my business class and I would like to mock LocalDateTime to a specific time according to my test. Here is my function:
private fun isExpired(access: Access): Boolean {
return access.validUntil.isAfter(LocalDateTime.now())
How can I mock LocalDateTime.now()?
My suggestion is that you inject a dependency on a Clock and use that in your method. Apologies that I've converted to Java as I'm not too familiar with kotlin.
class ClassToTest {
private final Clock;
public ClassToTest(Clock clock) {
this.clock = clock;
private boolean isExpired(Access access) {
return access.validUntil.isAfter(LocalDateTime.now(clock));
And the test that uses a fixed 'now' would look like:
void testIsExpired() {
Clock clock = mock(Clock.class);
ClassToTest test = new ClassToTest(clock);
You specifically asked about mocking but you could achieve the same with a constant clock:
void testIsExpired() {
Clock clock = Clock.fixed(Instant.ofEpochSecond(1000L), ZoneOffset.UTC);
ClassToTest test = new ClassToTest(clock);
Your production code would inject whichever clock you want (such as a particular TZ, local TZ, clocks that tick each second etc.) which are all created using static Clock methods. The ability to change clocks is often a useful feature to have on top of its value for testing.

How can I test an Aggregate that relies on time?

I am trying to model a time keeping application.
Ordinarily when I have a class that depends on time, I can provide an overloaded constructor or method to be able to inject a Clock into that method or class and be able to test its behavior.
If I have a command that needs to be able to pass the current time into an event, how can this work in the aggregate of an axon based application?
public class TimeCard {
private String employeeName;
private Instant clockInTime;
public TimeCard() {
//Axon requires empty constructor on aggregate
public TimeCard(ClockInCommand cmd) {
AggregateLifecycle.apply(new ClockInEvent(cmd.getEmployeeName(), Instant.now()));
public void on(ClockInEvent event) {
this.employeeName = event.getEmployeeName();
this.clockInTime = event.getClockInTime();
It seemed that the test fixture handled that cleanly for me by providing methods to provide the time. Here is my test method:
void testClockInCommand() {
.when(new ClockInCommand("GoldFlsh"))
.expectEvents(new ClockInEvent("GoldFlsh", testFixture.currentTime()));
But my event did end up being different by a fraction of a second.
Expected <2020-02-02T13:47:20.684344700Z> but got <2020-02-02T13:47:20.954347700Z>
What's the best way to handle this? Should commands only take in time from upstream? Or can I inject a clock somehow for testing.
When relying on time in Aggregates (and other axon types) you can use the GenericEventMessage.clock which defaults to System.UTC in most runtime configurations.
The Testfixture will override this to be a fixed time during tests. Update the use of Instant.now() to use this clock.
public TimeCard(ClockInCommand cmd) {
AggregateLifecycle.apply(new ClockInEvent(cmd.getEmployeeName(), GenericEventMessage.clock.instant()));

Mocking class is returning null instead of data

In my Junit test, I'm doing the following in my Junit test :
public void setUp() throws Exception {
reportQueryParams = ReportQueryParams.builder()
public void tabSerializerTest() {
MetricsSerializer mockMonth = mock(MetricsSerializer.class);
String tabSeparated = mockMonth.serializeMetrics(reportQueryParams);
String expected = new StringBuilder().append("074")
assertEquals(expected, tabSeparated);
The function which I am testing:
public String serializeMetrics(final ReportQueryParams reportQueryParams) {
stringJoiner = new StringJoiner("\t");
return stringJoiner.toString();
public String getCurrentMonth() {
DateFormat monthFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM");
return monthFormat.format(new Date());
private void addValueFromString(final String value) {
My ReportQueryParams class:
public class ReportQueryParams {
private String id;
I am getting "null" in the actual data returned and hence the test is failing. How can I fix this?
Don't mock the object you test.What you have written is "create a mock object that returns July for current month". But this mock object doesn't have real behaviour and the other methods return null.
When you test a class you mock the objects required by the class (in order to insulate behaviour) and not the actual class. Here you can create a new MetricsSerializer (by using new :) and call it's method serializeMethod and compare against the current date (instead of July).
The way you have written the class might not be the best testable way though ;)
Your problem is that you are mocking the class, then testing the mock object, rather than testing a "real" object. I can think of two possible solutions.
Use a Mockito Spy instead of a mock. This is like a mock, but it's a real object, and the methods all have their normal behaviour, instead of "no behaviour" by default. You can stub the getCurrentMonth method of your spy, to make it return what you want.
Since the real cause of your problem is the call to new Date(), you could use a time helper, instead of calling new Date() directly in your getCurrentMonth() method. I have described this technique in detail in my answer to this question

Mockito - Test if a method of a class is called

I am new to writing tests in java, and seem to be unable to test if a method of a class is called.
I am sending metrics to datadog, and want to test in the code if a function of another class was called.
It says I need to mock first, but I couldn't get it to work.
import com.timgroup.statsd.StatsDClient;
import com.timgroup.statsd.NonBlockingStatsDClient;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
public class MetricRecorder {
private final String namespace;
private final static StatsDClient metrics = new NonBlockingStatsDClient(
new String[] {"tag:value"}
public MetricRecorder(String namespace) {
this.namespace = namespace;
public void inc(String metricName) {
this.inc(metricName, 1);
public void inc(final String metricName, final long value) {
try {
metrics.recordHistogramValue(MetricRecorder.name(namespace, metricName), value);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Unable to record metric {} due to :", metricName, e);
public class MetricsRecorderTest {
public void metricsRecorderTest() {
MetricRecorder recorder = new MetricRecorder("dev");
recorder.inc("foo", 1);
verify(recorder.metrics, times(1)).recordHistogramValue(eq("dev.foo"), 1);
When I run the test I get this => org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.NotAMockException:
Argument passed to verify() is of type NonBlockingStatsDClient and is not a mock!
Any idea of how I should be testing if recordHistogramValue was called, and if so with what arguments?
Since it looks like StatsDClient is an interface of some kind, it would make your testing effort easier to simply inject this dependency into your object. Even if you're not using an IoC container like Spring or Guice, you can still somewhat control this simply by passing an instance of it in through the constructor.
public MetricRecorder(String namespace, StatsDClient client) {
this.namespace = namespace;
this.client = client;
This will make your testing simpler since all you realistically need to do is mock the object passed in during test.
Right now, the reason it's failing is because you're newing up the instance, and Mockito (in this current configuration) isn't equipped to mock the newed instance. In all honesty, this set up will make testing simpler to conduct, and you should only need your client configured in one area.
public class MetricsRecorderTest {
public void metricsRecorderTest() {
StatsDClient dClientMock = Mockito.mock(StatsDClient.class);
MetricRecorder recorder = new MetricRecorder("dev", dClientMock);
recorder.inc("foo", 1);
verify(recorder.metrics).recordHistogramValue(eq("dev.foo"), 1);
You are getting things wrong here. You don't use a mocking framework to test your "class under test".
You use the mocking framework to create mocked objects; which you then pass to your "class under test" within a test case. Then your "code under test" calls methods on the mocked object; and by controlling returned values (or by verifying what happens to your mock); that is how you write your testcases.
So, your testcase for a MetricRecorder doesn't mock a MetricRecorder; it should mock the StatsDClient class; and as Makoto suggests; use dependency injection to put an object of that class into MetricRecorder.
Besides: basically writing "test-able" code is something that needs to be practiced. I wholeheartedly recommend you to watch these videos if you are serious about getting in this business. All of them; really (worth each second!).
