How can I modify the code to avoid SQL-injection attack? - java

I need to implement a fuzzy search for two fields, businessName and businessAddress. Both of them can be null. If one field is null, search should be based on the other field.
To be specific,
if businessName="name" and businessAddress="address" then execute select * from business where businessName like '%name%' and businessAddress like '%address%'
if businessName=null and businessAddress="address" then execute select * from business where businessAddress like '%address%'
if businessName=null and businessAddress=null then execute select * from business
My code:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("select * from business where 1=1 ");
if (businessName != null) {
sb.append("and businessName like '%" + businessName + "%' ");
if (businessAddress != null) {
sb.append("and businessAddress like '%" + businessAddress + "%' ");
try {
con = DBUtil.getConnection();
pst = con.prepareStatement(sb.toString());
rs = pst.executeQuery();
} ...
Apparently it's in danger of SQL-injection attack. I know method prepareStatement.setString() can avoid attack, but number of fields is uncertain before verification.
How can I modify it? Separate method for each case or code like below seem ugly.
sql = ...;
}else {
sql = ...;

Never, ever, concatenate values into a query string like that. Always use prepared statements with parameters when executing queries, especially with user-sourced values.
A simple solution for your case is to use a list of values for each parameter you add, and then set the values collected for those parameters before execute:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("select * from business where 1=1 ");
List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<>();
if (businessName != null) {
sb.append("and businessName like '%' || ? || '%' ");
if (businessAddress != null) {
sb.append("and businessAddress like '%' || ? || '%' ");
try (Connection con = DBUtil.getConnection();
PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sb.toString())) {
int index = 1;
for (String parameter : parameters) {
pst.setString(index++, parameter);
try (ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery()) {
// ...
If you have parameters of varying types, use a List<Object> and setObject instead.
The solution in the answer by MT0 also works, but not all database systems optimize that type of query well (especially if you have a lot of such conditions), which might affect performance. For only a few conditions, the solution by MT0 is more readable, while having same/similar performance.

You do not need dynamic SQL and can use bind variables in the query:
String query = "select * from business where businessName LIKE '%' || ? || '%' AND businessAddress LIKE '%' || ? || '%'";
(Assuming || is the string concatenation operator for your SQL dialect.)
And then use a prepared statement and bind businessName and businessAddress to the variables.
PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement(query);
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
(Add exception handling.)
Or, if your SQL dialect requires you to handle NULL separately from the LIKE then :
String query = "select * from business
where (:name IS NULL OR businessName LIKE '%' || :name || '%')
AND (:addr IS NULL OR businessAddress LIKE '%' || :addr || '%')";
and use named bind variables :name and :addr (or use ? pass the values twice).

Except Mark Rotteveel's answer, I think there are additional methods to solve your question.
1.Escape user's input string to avoid sql-injection.But this way is not 100% secure.You can use ESAPI to do this, please refer to SQL_Injection_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet.
2.You can use ORM framework,like MyBatis. For example, MyBatis have dynamic-sql,it allows you generate different sql according to different conditions. In addition, use #{xxx} not ${xxx} to keep sql-injection away.


Java native SQL query to display all values when an input param is null

I have the following DAO method:
public String getSomeTable(final String param1) {
String sqlString = "select * from table where name ilike ?";
Query query = this.getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sqlString);
query.setParameter(1, "%param1%");
If param1 is null or empty then I want to select all entries from the table. What is the correct way to do this? I am currently using the following:
public String getSomeTable(final String param1) {
String sqlString = "select * from table where name = ?";
Query query = this.getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sqlString);
if(param1 == null)
query.setParameter(1, "%%");
query.setParameter(1, "%param1%");
But this is not scalable. I have datatypes like integer, date, etc. I want to know if there is a way to skip checking for that parameter if it is null.
I was planning to use COALESCE(?, CASE WHEN ? = '' THEN '%%' ELSE '%?%') but I think ? can be used only once for a particular parameter. The next one > I write is linked to second param.
On SQL Server, I use something like this, perhaps you can translate it to postgres:
DECLARE #variable INT = NULL;
FROM sysobjects
(1 = CASE WHEN #variable IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 2 END)
(id LIKE #variable);

How can I set dynamically prepared query statement in Java?

I have a jtable. I run data from mysql database. I use a query with prepared statement:
"select * from customer where city=? and region=? and price>?"
my problem is that one time i need only one parameter (for example city).
i ask you i change every time a query o r i can set dynimicaly number of parameter??
(I think seperating them into seperate queries is a better solution, but if you want to do it this way, maybe something like this could help you)
I once wrote something like this
public ArrayList<User> searchUsers(HashMap userProperties)
ArrayList<User> foundUsers = new ArrayList<User>();
String searchString = "select * from chatusers where ";
int addedProps = 0;
if (userProperties.get("username") != null && !userProperties.get("username").equals(""))
searchString += "nickname like '%" + userProperties.get("username") + "%'";
if (userProperties.get("firstname") != null && !userProperties.get("firstname").equals(""))
if (addedProps > 0)
searchString += " AND ";
searchString += "voornaam like '%" + userProperties.get("firstname") + "%'";
if (userProperties.get("lastname") != null && !userProperties.get("lastname").equals(""))
if (addedProps > 0)
searchString += " AND ";
searchString += "naam like '%" + userProperties.get("lastname") + "%'";
Of course you would have to change the "userProperties.get("prop"). to a "?" (I know I need to use preparedStatements, this was just for something silly at university before we had seen preparedStatements.
Furthermore I would go on in a similar fashion to actually bind the variables in the end. (keep track of where you added which variable, at which index, which you know because of the if-statement).

Error: Before start of result set in Java

I know this would be a foolish question to ask but still i need to do this.
This is a basic program in java application where I want to use 3 queries simultaneously to print the table.
(I'm not using any Primary key in this case so please help me to resolve this without making my attributes as primary keys - I know this is not a good practice but for now i need to complete it.)
my code:
Connection con = null;
Statement stat1 = null, stat2 = null, stat3 = null;
ResultSet rs1, rs2, rs3;
stat1 = con.createStatement();
stat2 = con.createStatement();
stat3 = con.createStatement();
String str = "\nProduct\tC.P\tS.P.\tStock\tExpenditure\tSales";
String s1 = "SELECT type, cp, sp, stock FROM ts_items GROUP BY type ORDER BY type";
String s2 = "SELECT expenditure FROM ts_expenditure GROUP BY type ORDER BY type";
String s3 = "SELECT sales FROM ts_sales GROUP BY type ORDER BY type";
rs1 = stat1.executeQuery(s1);
rs2 = stat2.executeQuery(s2);
rs3 = stat3.executeQuery(s3);
String type;
int cp, sp, stock, expenditure, sales;
while( || || )
type = rs1.getString("type");
cp = rs1.getInt("cp");
sp = rs1.getInt("sp");
stock = rs1.getInt("stock");
expenditure = rs2.getInt("expenditure");
sales = rs3.getInt("sales");
info.append("\n" + type + "\t" + cp + "\t" + sp + "\t" + stock + "\t" + expenditure + "\t" + sales);
Runtime Exception: Before start of result set
This is the problem:
while( || || )
If returns true, and won't be called due to short-circuiting. So rs2 and rs3 will both be before the first row. And if returns false, then you couldn't read from that anyway...
I suspect you actually want:
while ( && &&
After all, you only want to keep going while all three result sets have more information, right?
It's not clear why you're not doing an appropriate join, to be honest. That would make a lot more sense to me... Then you wouldn't be trying to use multiple result sets on a single connection, and you wouldn't be relying on there being the exact same type values in all the different tables.
You do an OR so imagine only one ResultSet has a result.
What you end up with is trying to read from empty result sets.
Suppose rs1 has one result and rs3 has 3 results. Now as per your code it will fail for rs1.getString("type"); during second iteration.
Better to loop over each resultSet separately.
This is going to go badly wrong, in the event that there is a type value that's missing from one of your three tables. Your code just assumes you'll get all of the types from all of the tables. It may be the case for your current data set, but it means that your code is not at all robust.
I would seriously recommend having just one SQL statement, that has each of your three selects as subselects, then joins them all together. Your java can just iterate over the result from this one SQL statement.

Can PreparedStatement do not take into account some conditions in WHERE clause?

For example, I have a statement
"SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE StartDate >= ? WHERE EndDate <= ? AND Performer = ?"
But sometimes some input fields on the web page are not filled, so I have to not take into account this conditions. i.e. I have no startdate filled, so statement must be
"SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE EndDate <= ? AND Performer = ?"
There are 3 different conditions. So, Do I have to write 8 different statements and DAO methods to accomplish the task? Really? Maybe there are other solutions?
Edit: I use MySQL/
Change your SQL to cater for nulls. Because you have not told us which database you are using, I will use "vanilla" SQL:
FROM Reports
WHERE (EndDate <= ? OR ? is null)
AND (Performer = ? OR ? is null)
Pass the parameters in twice each.
The other choice is to alter the SQL based on parameters being null (for example omitting Performer = ? from the where clause), but this can require a lot of code and testing. Iwould use the adaptable SQL and if it performs badly, then attempt something more advanced.
You dont need 8 different statements. You can build the query using if statements. For e.g.,
String query = "SELECT * FROM Reports where true";
if(startDate != null)
query = query + " and startDate <= ?";
if(endDate != null)
query = query + " and endDate <= ?";
if(performer != null)
query = query + " and performer = ?";
Hope it works for you.
No Prepared statement cannot exclude contions on its own. The query as to be contructed to avoid unnecessary conditions.
You can generate SQL using the code :
StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder();
String and = "";
if(EndDate == null || EndDate.length == 0)
whereClause.append(your condition);
and = " and";
if(StartDate == null || StartDate.length == 0)
whereClause.append(and).append(your condition);
and = " and";
if(Performer == null || Performer.length == 0)
whereClause.append(and).append(your condition);
and based on you generated query you need to set the parameters to the prepared statement.

Java/ JDBC – Multi Parameter Search Best Practice

I’m using the following code to generate a search results from a relational DB, depending on the multiple (Optional) search parameters from the web based client.
Presently I’m using “java.sql.Statement” to achieve the functionality but I need the same to be achieved using “java.sql.PreparedStatement” in order to prevent SQL injections.
Let me know a best practice to change the code
User inputs from web based client.
param1 - Optional
param2 - Optional
dateParamFr - Optional
dateParamTo - Optional
Pseudo code of SQL patterns depending on the search parameters as follows
ELSE IF(WITH param1){
ELSE IF(WITH param1 & param2){
Following is the fragment of Java code in my EJB
NOTE : Hashtable pSearchParam is a method parameter
Connection cnBOP = null;
Statement stmt = null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
try {
cnBOP = jdbcBOP.getConnection(); // DataSource jdbcBOP
stmt = cnBOP.createStatement();
/* ######################## SQL BODY ######################################*/
sb.append("FROM TEST_TABLE ");
/* ######################## SQL WHERE CLAUSE ##############################*/
sb.append("WHERE ");
Enumeration e = pSearchParam.keys();
int count =0;
if (count >=1) sb.append("AND ");
String sKey = (String) e.nextElement();
if (sKey.equals("param1")) sb.append ("COLUMN1 ='"+pSearchParam.get(sKey)+"' ");
else if (sKey.equals("param1")) sb.append ("COLUMN2 ='"+pSearchParam.get(sKey)+"' ");
else if (sKey.equals("dateParamFr")) sb.append ("DATE_COLUMN >= TO_DATE('"+pSearchParam.get(sKey)+" 00:00:00','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ");
else if (sKey.equals("dateParamTo")) sb.append ("DATE_COLUMN <= TO_DATE('"+pSearchParam.get(sKey)+" 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ");
count ++;
/* ######################## SQL ORDER BY CLAUSE ############################*/
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sb.toString());
Instead of
sb.append ("COLUMN1 ='"+pSearchParam.get("param1")+"' ");
You will have to do
sb.append ("COLUMN1 = ? ");
and then after you create the statement you do
stmt.setString(1, pSearchParam.get("param1"));
This is only for the first parameter, you need to do this for all statements and enumerate the index in
setString(int index, String param);
Note that you will need to use other methods for int, long, Date... etc
Depend on your database engine you may use SQL functions like
for example in MSSQL
select * from Order where storeId = isnull(?,storeId)
next in you java code
if you need omit this param from filter or,
if you need find all orders with storeId = 20
This really looks like a job for Hibernate Criteria Queries...
Criteria is a simplified API for retrieving entities by composing
Criterion objects. This is a very
convenient approach for functionality
like "search" screens where there is a
variable number of conditions to be
placed upon the result set.
Are you using Hibernate? Then you can use the criteria API. Else for non hibernate you can take a look at the SqlBuilder tool to generate SQLs based on conditions.
Also you should use markers "?" instead of actual values.
So this query should be like this.
You can then use PreparedStatements to set values for this column. An introductory tutorial on using PreparedStatement is here.
